TBR out of Readathons

For the Calendar of Crime
We have the pick for April Death at the wheel, Kate Flora
and the pick forMay it is The perfect mother, Aimee Molloy

A book a week with the Pingel Sisters
13. Book bought in a Thrift Shop
HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban

16. The second book in a trilogy
Pandemonium, Lauren Oliver

19. Award Winning book
Our endless numbered days, Claire Fuller

20. A book from the Roy Gilmore Challenge
The lovely bones, Alice Sebold

21. Published the decade before you were born
The summer tree, Guy Gavriel Kay

22. Historical fiction from your  favorite time period
Salt to the sea, Ruta Septys 

GoodReads Choice Awards 2018 Challenge
Vicious, V.E. Schwab
Elevation, Stephen King
Still me, Jojo Moyes

Challenges Part 2:

  • Emma, Jane Austen
  • Collected Love Poems, Brian Patten
  • One Hundred days of poetry, Brad Parker
  • El juego de Ripper, Isabel Allende
  • La mala hora, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • Mockigjay, Suzanne Collins
  • City of Lost souls, Cassandra Clare
  • Inuyasha Vol1
  • Black Butler Vol 1


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