May Readathons

To Choose from

Sailor Moonathon

Duration 1-20
Will be team based. You’ll be responsible for keeping track of your pages and books read. Let’s defeat some books in the name of the Moon. Before you pick a team, be sure to check out each Sailor and what she offers. If you've already joined a team, check out your Sailor's page. It will have information about your host and any challenges.

This Readathon was created by Bee from Bookish Pisces.

Group book - Beds are for flowers by R.K. Gold
Sailor moon: Re-read one of your favorite books.
HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K. Rowlins

Sailor Mercury- Read a book that challenges you
Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson

Sailor Venus Read a book with a character that has special abilities.
Vicious, V.E. Schwab

Tuxedo Mask- Read a Romance novel
The Guardian, Nicholas Sparks

Chibi-usa- Read a novella
Animal Farm, George Orwell

Sailor Mars- Read a book that includes the element of fire in any way
The Fire, James Patterson

Sailor Jupiter- Read a book over 400 pages
The Lost Heroe, Rick Riordan

Sailor Saturn- Read a stand alone
Elevation, Stephen King

Sailor Uranus- Read a book with a gorgeous cover
Pandemonium, Lauren Oliver

Sailor Neptune- Read a contemporary novel
Our endless numbered days, Claire Fuller

Sailor Pluto- Read a dystopian novel
Delirium, Lauren Oliver

If participating you need to join a team.
Team of choice: Sailor Jupiter

Asian Readathon 
Duration: 1-31
Cindy (readwithcindy) - Vietnamese-American / Dumbass
Sandra (gotathingforthings) - Chinese-Norwegian / Pansexual
Chloe (bookswithchloe) - Korean-Australian / Biracial
Kav (xreadingsolacex) - Indian-American / Nonbinary / LesbianEllias (elliasreads) - Vietnamese-American / Gay


Read any book by an Asian author.

Read a graphic novel featuring an Asian character or written/drawn by an Asian author (manga, manhua, manhwa, and comics count).

Read a book featuring an intersectional Asian character or written by an intersectional Asian identity (i.e. queer, mixed, disabled, neurodiverse, etc).

Read a book by Asian author that was originally written in their native language (translated books and graphic novels count).

Read the group book: A Thousand Beginnings and Endings by Ellen Oh, which will be covered in the live show on Saturday, May 25 at 6pm EST on readwithcindy’s channel.

For this readathon I will pick a single book that manages to get all 4 challenges: 
I Hear the Sunspot - Yuki Fumino (Manga / LGBT / Hearing disability) (Japanese)

Duration: 5-12
You have to complete 4 challenges, more if you wish.

So the path traced will be:
1. The Siren, Kiera Cass
6. Mistborn, Brandon Sanderson
9. Delirium, Lauren Oliver


R E A D A T H O N: 13 - 27 May 
C H A L L E N G E S: 
1. Written in the Stars- Book set in space 
Across the universe, Beth Revis

2. Romance Reboot - Book with cyborgs 
Blade Runner (do androids dream of electric sheep?), 

3. Let the Games Begin - a book with a trial/tournament 
Hunter X Hunter, Yoshiro Togashi

4. Unlikely Heroes - Characters from different backgrounds 
The lost Heroe, Rick Riordan

5. Life in the Shadows - a book with an outbreak 
The Hot Zone, Richard Peston

6. Magic & Mischief - a book with magical creatures 
The Siren, Kiera Cass

7. Sibling Rivalries - a book featuring sisers 
Sisters like us, Susan Mallery

8. Feats of Illusions - a book featuring a character with untapped potential 
Delirium, Lauren Oliver

9. Squad Goals - a book featuring multiple POV’s 
The lost Heroe, Rick Riordan

10. Warrior Women - a book with vikings 
The long ships, Frans G. Bengtsson

11. Take Back the Throne - a book with royalty 
The winter king, Bernard Cornwell

12. Saints & Sinners - a book featuring star-crossed lovers
The Siren, Kiera Cass


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