July #AYearAthon / Frist week reads

The first week of July was less productive than what I expected. I had one reread this week:

*The raven boys by Maggie Stiefvater this is the second time I am reading this book this year. I have been in a kind of reading slump where I am not really feeling like reading at all. So I picked one of my favorites. I love the characters, the friendships, the ships that happen in this story and better yet with a new series coming up I wanted to reread the series before I jump to the new series. 

*Antartida el aterrador fin del mundo (Antaride the scary end of the world) by Charles B. O'Daniel short story written by a Spanish author quite a while back. The idea is very good yet the story is not as captivating as it should. It tells the story of a couple who are not in the best situation who are tired of the government's take on global climate change and they decide to go to the ends of Earth to investigate. It has a surprising ending in the way I did not see coming but still took me a while to get through even if it a very short story.

* Ranma 1/2 Volumen 3 by Rumiko Takahashi this volume felt even more ridiculous than the last- its hilarious! Not much to add except that it is very unbelievable that Akande can be dragged to so many different varieties of different sports events and competitions that in the end are over the top martial arts fights XD

*Fortunately the milk, Neil Gaiman this is a children's story full of incredible adventures a father faces with a simple trip to the store. Extremely short and fun to read.

I started Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott and The Martian by Andy Weir. But did not manage to finish them by the end of the week, my hope was t finish them by Monday night.

It is currently 8:45pm I haven't managed to finish anything.   


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