June Wrap Up

This was a difficult month, I had to move to a new city so I was busy house hunting, packing took forever, then setting up in a new place and the super busy time at work... Well, I completely lost interest in reading. 
My life, in general, had a setback/slowing down. But oh well we did not do too bad really. 

So in total, I read 9 books 

2 more we DNFs not exactly by choice but I started reading them from Scribd then I canceled the subscription and forgot to finish them first so, yeah I was not able to find them on time to finish. I will try to find them and continue.
My reading challenge ends up in 119 which means I am officially only 20 books ahead of schedule so I do not feel too bad about slowing down this month. 

This is the month I have read the least.
Not nice either that most of the books I did not have too strong feelings about and no reviews for them were made, but too much time passed so, not going to upload reviews for the time being, so sorry about that. 

Try to do better next month. 


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