July TBR part 1

Initial thoughts: I had intended to not make a TBR because lately, I had such a hard time sticking to them.

So as soon as I started to set p my journal set up for the next month I find nice readathons I want to participate in... So now I come back to having a TBR again. 

Duration 1-7
Theme: Read 5 different types of books

  • Format
  • Genre
  • Languages
  1. The raven boys, Maggie Stiefvater (Reread, paperback, magical realism).
  2. Ranma 1/2, Rumiko Takahashi (Manga, translated, digital)
  3. Flatland, Edwin A. Abbott (Classic)
  4. Fortunately the milk, Neil Gaiman (Children, picture books)
  5. Antarctic: the scary end of the world or Antartida: el aterrador fin del mundo, Charles B. O'Daniel (fiction, short stories)

The Book Junkie Trials
Creator Rachael Marie
Duration 1-31 
4 teams with different roads to follow to the same destination. 
  • Bards
  • Magi
  • Outlaw
  • Scribes

So I decided to do the test and keep my team as it came out.
I got to be in the Teams Outlaws
Team lead The Psycho Nyx, Countess of Outlaws

So information people might need
♧The Resources♧ 
Personality Team Quiz https://t.co/pXJcJcPGg8 
Book Tracker https://t.co/gMWm9ZNoQb 
Full Quest Map https://bit.ly/2MwcgK5 
All The Challenges https://bit.ly/2XDNvN2 
The Full Google Drive with all the details https://bit.ly/2MwcgK5

Prompts For Outlaw map

  1. Crimson peaks. These peaks are about to blow! Reread a favorite to soothe them into dormancy.
    1. The Raven Boys, Maggie Stiefvater
  2. Queendom Stone. The stone of our Royal Majesty. What are the royal customs of other lands? Read a book featuring Royals. 
    1. Warbreaker, Branden Sanderson
  3. The forgotten forest. All the open series, the forest knows and feels your forgetfulness. It will sing a mournful lament, tormenting you until you read the next in the series.
    1. The Mark of Athena, Rick Riordan
  4. The Weeping falls. To pass through the rapids unscathed, you must give to the falls. Read a tear jerker.
    1. My sister's keeper, Jodi Picoult
  5. The bookie Grial. Here you find a lost manuscript, delivered on this forgotten island by a fallen star. Read the group book
    1. Stardust, Neil Gaiman
The Outlaws are rough, raunchy & ready for the Quest! But they also have fast hands. They can read the book of any friend's Quests TBR and it need not fit the prompt.

Too much time evading the law, and not enough time spent reading means this team must complete a 24-hour readathon.
Note: you don't have to read for the full 24 hours but dedicate your free awake time to it for that time. 

DND Readathon
Duration: 1-31
Host: Samuelle95

Document the challenges for the race.

So I want to become an Elf.

  • Slender and graceful. Elves are overwhelmingly beautiful and typically are a lot more slender than humans.
  • Timeless perspective. Elves can live well over 700 years.
  • Exploration and adventure. Elves tend to dislike the pace of human society. 
The challenge:
  • Read a book over 200 pages. Fortunately the milk, Neil Gaiman.
  • Read a book published at least 25 years ago. Flatland Edwin A. Abbott.
  • Read a book that follows a non-human character. Good Omens, Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett.


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