My Sister's Keeper

Author: Jodi Picoult
Genre: Contemporary
Original Publication date: April 2004
Book Description (from Good Reads): Anna is not sick, but she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her older sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukemia that has plagued her since childhood. The product of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, Anna was conceived as a bone marrow match for Kate—a life and a role that she has never challenged... until now. Like most teenagers, Anna is beginning to question who she truly is. But unlike most teenagers, she has always been defined in terms of her sister—and so Anna makes a decision that for most would be unthinkable, a decision that will tear her family apart and have perhaps fatal consequences for the sister she loves.
A provocative novel that raises some important ethical issues, My Sister's Keeper is the story of one family's struggle for survival at all human costs and a stunning parable for all time.

Characters: 8.5
Anna, Kate, Sara, the whole family is in chaos. In some way it feels very much yet it does seem a bit too convenient in some cases. Campbell's and Julia's previous relation that's too many coincidences and the way they can't let go of the past, then just bam. No not realistic at all. The way Jesse is behaving and the way his father handles it. Oh well, there are several issues. In other ways Anna being scared and unsure of what she's doing, the way the parents do not seem to be able to see beyond their sick daughter, that is very understandable. 
Plot: 8.0
Most of it is a slice of life, there is very little happening, it takes longer than what it should because it moves between the what is happening right now and flashbacks of the story of Kate's sickness and their life came to be the way it is.
The ending seemed like a plot twist trying too much to shock you. That made it seem so unrealistic, the very ending, made the credibility go down in my opinion. 
Logic: 8.0
The confusion in the family, their reactions to being forced to go to court about their daughter medical emancipation, the reason for the whole thing, all of that makes sense and it was handled ok.
Relationship, the past (talking about the lawyer Campbell), that was totally unrealistic, unnecessary too. We already had drama, it was not needed for anything in the overall plot. Also,the way they react is too immature. 
Writing Style: 8.5
There is nothing wrong with the way it was written but I still felt a bit disconnected from the story. I felt that it did not inspire as much emotion as I expected but that might be again a personal thing I generally do not cry. But it did inspire and made me worry about Anna and her family's struggles.
Though I did expect it to be a bit more heart wrenching than what I experienced. Still I did feel connected through most of it. 
Intrigue: 8.0
I felt like I already knew what the end result was going to be, I was surprised but did not likethe surprise as much. 
Enjoyment: 8.0
Intention: 9.0
I assume that the intention of this book is to make you feel, and did it do that of course. Also in part makes you question the design of babies, it can be a blessing to be able to save someone's life and yet, where do you cross the line and say enough?
It gets you thinking about moral debates no one has begun in your life.
Total Score: 58.0
Average: 8.2
Star rating: 4.0

This book was used for the challenges:
Biannual Bibliaton. Read an adult book.
The bookie junkie trials. The weeping falls. To pass through the rapids, you must give to the falls. Read a tear-jerker.


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