May 2020 TBR

We have a very ambitious TBR for this month. 

First off we have several books we have to read for the read-along we're participating in. 

Part of the Cosmearalong
*The well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson.
This is the second book in the Mistborn trilogy. We need to see what Vin and the rest of their gang is going to do now- Hard to describe without spoiling the first one. This is the first time I will read it so I really have no idea what to expect.
I have a month to read this book but I hope to get it done in the first week.

For the Literally book club created by Kayla from booksandlala May's choice is Fragments of the lost by Megan Miranda. This is a mystery thriller about Jessa a young woman who is tasked with cleaning out the room of her demised ex-boyfriend and that makes her remember and question how well she knew her late boyfriend.
It is not relevant but for some reason, I really like the cover. Too bad because I was not buying a physical copy but in an audio format from Audible. 

In the Enderlingalong created by Becca from Becca and the books we have the second book in the Farseer trilogy Royal Assasin. It should pick up in the young life of Fitz, he is a young man who is still struggling in the political intrigue trying to find his place and continue to learn to be the assassin the King needs him to be. (Or in other words, no idea yet.)

So those are the books I am trying to read along with big groups of people online. But I still have several personal reading challenges of my own and there are several Readathons.

Tome Topple Round 11
Created by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes, you can find the announcement here
Duration 9-22
This is a very chill readathon with the sole purpose of reading big books (over 500 pages). 
If you need a bit of inspiration to pick your books the prompts are:
1. The tome that has been on your TBR the longest 
2. A tome audiobook 
3. Tome that’s part of a series 
4. A standalone tome 
5. Read 1 tome 
6. A tome featuring a AAPI main character and/or written by a AAPI author (for Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month) 
7. Tome from a genre you don’t usually read 
8. The tome on your TBR with the most pages 
9. An adult tome

My TBR for this will be small.

*Wool by Hugh Howey- This is an adult tome part of a series. 
It is a book describing life underground, outside toxic, not viable for human life. People live underground in Cilos, the only way they know what's going on is through a window in the very top. The capital punishment is exile when a crime is committed people are sent outside to clean the window so the habitants in the Cilo continue to have contact with the outside. The mystery is the question: why if they are pushed to die outside the people continue to actually clean the window, they could simply walk away, after all, there is no benefit for them cleaning the window.  
I have read this or at least part of it before, so I have an idea of some of the plot but I need to be reminded.

*The dead zone by Stephen King a Standalone tome and maybe option 5 too for this one.

This is about Johnny Smith, after a head trauma due to an accident he has the ability to see what is to come. He sees a terrifying fate for humankind, now his mission is to stop it. 
This is also going to be used as part of my Stephen King read, I'm going in publication order, this book was published in 1979.

I am not sure what audiobook to use for this one.
*I'll try to get to Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay a classical Fantasy story. I know almost nothing about but I do want to get more into fantasy and this has good reviews online so I'll see what I feel about it. 
