Walking dead Vol 9 Here we remain

Author: Robert Kirman
Genre: Graphic novel horror
Original publication date: January 2009
Book description: after the staggering losses they've sustained, Rick and Carl are left to pick up the pieces and carry on, knowing that they could join their fallen friends and family at any moment. This volume collects The Walking Dead issues #49-54.


Rick managed to escape from the Prison along with Carl, but everyone went on their own way. The loss of the safe heave, the people lost, the stress of being on the run is too heavy on Rick's shoulders. His health both physical and mental are affected.
He is back on the run, with no certain course set on their journey but he intends to look for his friends hoping to find those who were with Andrea and Dale. They set their way to Hershel's farm hoping to find temporal shelter and maybe meet up with the rest of the people who were in the prison. 
A new part of the journey starts here, they meet another group of survivors, but the news they share with them are shocking, to say the least.
Rick does not trust the newcomers. But safety in numbers and his wish to not make decisions, he resolves to follow whatever Dale decides and the two groups join forces. 

It seems very little happened here, we simply see the groups find each other once more.
I am enjoying this and feel slightly intrigued to see where it goes from here.
