August Book Haul

 I should stop saying I'm am going to stop buying so many books. It just never works out that way.

I have bought books for the first time from eBay and I went crazy. I will not say too much about the books as most of them are mystery/thrillers and I like to go into those blind.

Also, I am not sure what they are about, I picked done of those mystery boxes that include 20 books picked by the seller. I will probably never do it again but it was a fun surprise to see books I had never heard about arriving at my door.

*The chase by Brenda Joyce

A romantic suspense thriller. We follow Claire as she tries to find out who killed her husband, and of course, there is a man who comes to the rescue to help her get to the bottom of the mystery.

*Unlucky by Jana DeLeon

We have Mallory, she is very unlucky in everything in her life. She needs a lot of money very fast and in order to get it she takes the task of working in her uncle's Casino, her job is to cool cards but she finds herself in the middle of a tournament of criminals. 

*Killer heat by Brenda Novak this is the 3rd book on a series following a police department. So we already started a bit off, I am going to read only this one anyway.

So we have a pair of people who have a past, they did not part in the best of ways, there is a mention of betrayal and now they need to work together to discover a possible serial killer. So extremely vague description.

*Nine Lives by Sharon Sala 

A woman has escaped death a few times in very violent situations. Her family was murdered and she is out to get her revenge. She is not going to be stopped until she finds the man who destroyed her life. This is not very promising as its the first in a series so I'm intrigued if its conclusive or its the case where I will be left with a huge cliff hanger and need to look for the rest of the series.

*Omerta by Mario Puzo

An unexpected murder, committed by an unlikely person. It has mod families, FBI, corruption, I mean you really don't need much, its the type f book you need to just go ahead and read with no information. 

*Net force by Steve Perry and Tom Clancey

The director of the Net Force is assassinated and his successor Alex Michaels is now thrown in the position to find that out and also other chaos going around in the country. It is a very police detective oriented, it can be hit or miss for me. We'll see.

*The cat who lived high by Lilian Jackson Braun 

The colorful Casablanca apartment building is in danger of demolition--but not if Jim Qwilleran can help it. He's determined to restore the building to its original grandeur. So he moves in with Koko and Yum Yum--and discovers that the Casablanca is steeped in history...and mystery. And the adventures investigating them.

*Black at heart by Leslie Parrish

Supervisory Special Agent Wyatt Blackstone is famed for his cool control and his intellect. But his world was shattered when Lily, a vulnerable young agent on his team was brutally murdered. Now, a killer is committing horrible crimes, leaving a lily as a calling card, and he and the rest of the Black CATs have to revisit a crime that haunts them all!

*Dead and berried by Peg Cochran

This is a cozy mystery of a situation of bee stings and venom. Not sure what to make of that description.

 * Another life by Donna Anders 

Sharon is convinced her husband is planning her accidental death. 

That's it, I am not even going to read the rest of the synopsis, I will read it!

*Hire a hangman by Collin Wilcox

This summary short and simple: the head of the transplant department in a medical center is murder. And of course, we need to uncover the killer.

*As crime goes by written by Dane K. Shah

This is a historical fiction mystery, not something I generally gravitate towards at all but I am intrigued. Hollywood, 1947. It's a town of glittering stars and lavish excess, where actors are legends, studio heads are gods, and even crimes are larger than life.

*Knight hawk by Pat O'Connell

There is an amazing unstoppable aerial combat weapon and now USA is being attacked by it. The ne goal is to stop an unstoppable weapon. 

*Monster by Jonathan Kellerman

A second-rate actor is found mutilated in a car trunk. Then a psychologist at a Los Angeles hospital for the criminally insane is murdered in a similar grisly fashion. Suddenly the incoherent ramblings of an inmate at the presumably secure institution begin to make chilling sense—they are, in fact, horrifying predictions. Yet how can a barely functional psychotic locked behind asylum walls possibly know such vivid details of crimes committed in the outside world

*Icing Ivy by Evan Marshall

Jane Stuart and Ivy Benson were once best friends. Ever since Ivy's daughter Marlene was murdered, though, things have been rocky. To patch up their friendship, Jane invites Ivy to the writer’s retreat Jane organized. Jane and Ivy plan to spend the wintry week relaxing and drinking cocoa, just like old times!
During this trip a murder takes place and well we can't let this crime go unsolved.

*Freedom by Daniel Suarez

This is the second book in a series, so are we going to read it or wait to get the first book?
The Daemon is well on its way toward firm control of the modern world, using an expanded network of real-world, dispossessed darknet operatives to tear apart civilization and rebuild it anew. Civil war breaks out in the American Midwest, with the mainstream media stoking public fear in the face of this "Corn Rebellion." Former detective Pete Sebeck, now the Daemon's most famous and most reluctant operative, must lead a small band of enlightened humans in a populist movement designed to protect the new world order.

*Judging time by Leslie Glass

A man and woman lie dead on a snowy Manhattan sidewalk. The primary suspect is the murdered woman’s husband, African-American ex-football star Rick Liberty. For Detective Woo, it’s a homicide case engulfed in a media storm of race, class, sex, and celebrity. But somewhere, buried in all the publicity, lies the truth. And an extremely dangerous killer.

*Desert fire by David Hagberg

Joseph Assad-Sherif is one of the world's most dangerous assassins. Known as Saddam Hussein's "Jackal," his bloody hit list includes the 1972 Israeli Olympic athletes, the South Yemen cabinet, and the 20,000 slaughtered citizens of Hamma, Syria.

Now Assad-Sheriff has been called upon for his most vicious task, acquiring and transporting nuclear technologies for Iraq. When this psychopath takes the life of Sharazad Razmarah, an American citizen working with the German Secret Service, Federal investigator Walter Roemer is set on his trail. Roemer soon discovers that the clandestine operations of the nuclear industry hold many well-guarded secrets, which cannot ever see the light of day. Roemer finds himself battling not only the crazed Assad-Sherif but the German Secret Service, and the clock is ticking: on Assad-Sherif's orders, Iraqi terrorists are heading for Germany's largest nuclear facility . . . with suicidal detonation plans.

*Shark Lake by John McKinna

Ben finds out his best friend is held captive in Africa by a group of rebel guerrilla and intends to save them. 

*Poison pen by Sheila Lowe

An apparent suicide but not everyone believes this theory. Even if there is a suicide note but a close friend of the victim believes the note was not written by her. 

Also I finally manged to find in Amazon Walking dead compendium 4 so I am ready to read it all without having to stop!
I really want to get to the ending!!!


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