August Wrap up

 I took a little break from posting, but not from reading entirely.

Overall it was a very good month. I am still working from home, doing good. I am about to start a few more training sessions so I will probably need to invest some of my free time for that too, hope that does not cut my reading time short. I have changed a bit my plan for writing and posting in an effort to make it more manageable. Will I be able to carry it out? Can't make any promises, but I think I will at least update more regularly than last month, that's for sure!

I was not feeling very motivated to do much of anything this last few weeks, it comes and goes so, an apology about the lack of content but I will try to do better and not disappear without warning like that again. 

To the main event of the day!

The stats for my reading in August:

So I am actually doing pretty good in numbers. Strictly speaking, I failed in my TBR because I have 11 books that I didn't read from my original TBR and 1 other that I started but didn't manage to finish before the end of the month. Being very realistic, I am not going to carry them all over to September, I read for enjoyment and even if I do love making lists and crossing them out to feel good, I am in no form obligated to stick to them. I am going to be very flexible with myself as I feel I need a little break and take things slower.

I generally do ave massive TBRs but I will try to make them smaller if I have time I can always read more books with no pressure added.

And as usual, I pay attention to a few details about the books and authors in reading.  So let's dive into more fun stats.

Regarding the books


My obsessiveness showing again.

 I had the "goal" to read 450 pages per day in order to finish reading all the books in my TBR list, but as you can tell that did not happen. I think I hit my intended reading page count 9 days out of the 31. I even set a minimum accepted page count of 300, which I managed to get 12 days only. I had a lot of issues finding the motivation to read and reach my goals reading-wise, posting, and general everyday life. I was still a responsible adult at work, but with a little less enthusiasm. The good thing about being a pretty professional and quiet person, no one notices when you are down, you continue being polite and get all your work done. I was even recently assigned as an aid for coworkers and I managed to get my normal workload and assist on other's people's assignments. So looking at the bright side, I did make it through this month pretty well.

Regarding the authors:

I did start several manga series, so my consumption of translated works rose, that is pretty good. It is still mainly translated Japanese works but still, it makes my charts look more varied. 

Getting translated works is not an easy feat because I generally do not know what to look for but I will continue to work and try to get an effective system so I can add more in my general reading.

Immediate goal: September Mexico's independence day is celebrated (September 16), also Canada's (September 9) so maybe I can try to read a few more books by authors from said countries.


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