Blue Exorcist vol 11 to 13


Author: Kazue Kato 

Publication date: 2013-2014

Genre: Manga

Description: A group of teenagers not only go to high school and face the normal Shinanigans they also must cope with the responsibilities of trying to become the next group of Exorcists. They are part of the True Cross a world-wide organization dedicated to rid the world of evil. A very particular student is enrolled in the Exorcist course, Rin, the son of Satan and the only one true vessel, he posses the Blue flame the characteristic power of Satan.


This is alsmot halfway through the series so I am not able to discuss this without heavy spoilers. Hope if you do have interest in this series you have already read it. But the spoiler free section is not going to the very long, I will give slight spoilers and try to comment about the direction the plot is going. 

I am a bit behind because there is an anime already, so maybe people know the story and this is not new, for me I am experiencing the story for the first time.

Rin is growing close to his classmates. He continues to try to help one of his classmates who suddenly gains the sight. The potion to tamper his sight and he no longer sees demons. They go on quests to get the potion from the Headmaster. 

We start to see a few issues also rise. There seems to be a spy among the members of the True cross, so people start to point fingers and mistrust those around them. The group of Exwire is not aware of the psy but they continue to carry out their tasks. The school holds a festival and we see the typical high school festival hype.

Rin is much closer to his classmates but the rift between him and his brother continues to grow. The issues come at random and from everything, jealousy over abilities, privileges, over girls. they just seem to rub off on the wrong foot over everything!

We get a few plot twists, for a bit we suspect about the spy and reasons to suspect are plenty and they don't point in a single direction. But once its discovered who is the Spy!

I was not really expecting it.

Izumo gets kidnapped. 

As expected in the last few volumes we have gainined the backstory of a few of the Exwire. We know very little about their life before they stated classes together. Izumo's life is tragic. She is not what you expected really. She is targeted by the Illuminati group.

The Illuminati are a group of believers who are working actively to bring Satan to Earth. They are working on something and for that they need Izumo. The whole crlass is tasked with rescuing Izumo and stopping the Spy. Except that's not what they have to do but well once they get to Izumo's hometown to make a recon and get information they get dragged way over their heads. 

Each of the students must face their fears and toughen up to pull their own weight, the enemy is not playing fair, splitting them up and sending Zombies after them!

And if they are not real zombies then this is pretty close. 

The stakes are rising. Izumo is very close to losingher life in a ritual doomed for failure from the very start, her friends are not exactly in the best position to help. They are trapped, how will they manage?

The next few volumes are going to be nerve wrecking, it might be necessary to read them one after the other.

Sidenote: I found that Netflix in Mexico does have Blue Exorcist available, not sure how many seasons or episodes there are, but I can start to watch the anime as well as soon as I finish my current one. I am watching Umbrella Academy but I am making very small progress. I'll try to get to it this next weekend and see if I can at least finish the first season.


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