September Readalongs

 As usual, the goal is to not have too many books in my initial TBR.

Spoiler alert: I didn't make a small TBR.

I have a few readalongs or reading groups that I have been following for quite a while now. So first let's mention those:

*Literally Dead book club created and hosted by Keyla from Books and Lala for more information you can go to the GoodReads group here.

August pick, I didn't get to so that one moves to the top of the list Home before Dark by Riley Sager. This is a mystery/thriller giving us the story of a young woman who grew up with the story that a house she lived in her infancy was haunted, but she does not believe it and goes back to the house to discover what really happened. This a recent release, June 30, 2020, and I have not been able to get it, so I gave up. I will get it from Amazon via Kindle and read it in digital format.

I am actively trying to use my Kindle a bit more. 

The book pick for September is Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas. A gothic suspense story. This is the story of a few students in Catherine House a very prestigious school which has a few outstanding restrictions. While people attend they cannot have contact with the outside world, but your success is guaranteed if you assist and graduate from this school. But there is something dark going on in this institute. 

I am looking forward to it, even if I have heard mixed reviews, some people loved and yet others seem to think this was a waste of time. We'll see how I feel about it.

This book was published this year so it's another I'll get from Amazon Kindle.

*Catch up book Club: Elderlingalong hosted by Becca from Becca and the books.

Official announcement here.

This readalong is meant to read the books in the world Robin Hobb created, we have finished one of the trilogies and now we're starting the second trilogy name Liveships traders

Elderlingalong hosted by Becca from Becca and the books.

This readalong is meant to read the books in the world Robin Hobb created, we have finished one of the trilogies and now we're starting the second trilogy name Liveships traders.

Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb this tells the story of a special type of ship, a sentient one, they come t life when 3 successive generations of a family die on the boat. The liveship Vivacia is about to undergo her quickening as Althea Vestrit’s father is carried on deck in his death-throes. Althea waits for the ship that she loves more than anything else in the world to awaken. Only to discover that the Vivacia has been signed away in her father’s will to her brutal brother-in-law, Kyle Haven.

This promises to be a very enchanting story. I am looking forward to this one. 

We'll see how the story holds up, as I got this trilogy in Spanish and I do not want to buy them again in English so we'll make do with the translated work.

* #AYearAThon

This is another yearlong reading club I joined. You can find the GoodReads group here

Each month we have different prompts.

Duration: September 14-20

Prompt: Finish/Continue series

For this one, I will double it with another Readalong created by Mike from Mike Books Review

Knights shadow, Sebastien de Castell.

 This is the second book in the Greatcoats series. The greatcoats are a group of people the King organized to travel his kingdom and impart justice to his people. But the king was overthrown and killed. Now the people on his land hate the King and the Greatcoats but they have one last request from their King and they must complete it, even if it seems like an impossible task.

*Bookopolathon created by Becca from Becca and the books. You can find the official announcement here

There is a Board and you will use dices to move along the board and get prompts to pick the books.

If you roll a double, that means you add an extra roll of dice.

To pick the # rounds- throw the 2 dice and the number was 6 so we're going to have 6 dice rolls.


Round #1

Foiled cover

The client by John Grisham a mystery legal thriller that I hardly know anything about. Two young boys witness an unexpected event and they get the knowledge that becomes dangerous for them. 


Round #2

Community shelf

Book was not finished the previous month

Ships of magic by Robin Hobb start of a trilogy. 


Round #3


Knights shadow Greatcoats #2 by Sebastien de Castell


Round #4 (one Double so I'm adding an extra roll at the end)

Fire on the cover

Blue exorcist vol 14 by Kazue Kato. This is a translated manga, so as its a book original written in Japanese I am not good judge of the tralation, I started this series in a Spanish translation and now will continue it in English as that is the only version I found avaiable.

But it has blue fire, so I'm countiing it.

Trapped by Professor Gedoin in the hellish prison beneath Dream Town Inari, the Exwires must fight to survive and rescue Izumo. The more they learn about Professor Gedoin’s plans, the more they realize the horror they face. Each will need to rely on their own strength, and each other, like never before. But Izumo is determined to meet her fate on her own and save her sister


Round #5

Chance- Mood read

I will leave this open to pick something later on during the month.


Round #6

Lowest rated

Yo no la  mate by Ferndo Trujillo Sanz

A mystery/thriller story about a man who is defending himself from the acccusation of illing his late girlfriend I think. Not reall ysure but in thrillers is always best to not investigate too much and its a very short story so I will go into it blind.


Round #7

Light cover

Sakura Card Captor vol 7 by CLAMP another translated manga.


This gives us the story of Sakura a 10 year old who is trying to gather magical cards she acciedntally released before they destroyed the world. As before I haven't been able to get my hands on the volumes in English or Spanish but I will this month, if not I'll just read it digital version.

I have more books I want to read, but I will add them in a separte post this ones are the ones I am going to be doing for readathons or reading clubs.

Stay safe guys!!

Be back in otuch a bit later.


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