Recommended author: Jorge Alberto Perez

September is the month of the Mexican Independence (September 16) therefore we are going to be looking a bit more into Mexican authors. There are very few that I know of the top of my head so this is going to be a road of discovery for me and anyone else interested.


He is part of ARLEQUIN Editotrail one of the big ones in Mexico, or at least one that been around for a while. They sell book in Spanish some of them translation works and some that they publish, you can find them on their webpage for more on their work.

Jorge was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco in 1983.
He studied Literature in the University of Guadalajara and translation in the Mexican Translators Association. 

Jorge has kept busy he has worked as a musician, editor, translator for Arlequín editorial, and as a journalist collaborating with different magazines and newspapers. 

We find him mostly involved in Contemporary and short stories.

You can find him via his webpage for more details of his works here is the link for it
In his blogs, we get a bit more into his mindset. He shared his thoughts on books, music, movies and you can find very good recommendations from him. 

Among his work we find:

This is a mix of poetry and short stories that play with the essence of time. It is said that in this piece we see time as a fluid being -music allegories- hitting play, rewind, and fast forward as if this was one eternal song.

I have never read one of his works and even his translated works are not something I have picked up yet. So Project for today, we're going to pick up his book and read it!

Tomorrow or in the next few days, I'll review it and share with you my experience with reading it. This is a very short post I'll continue to branch out my reading and drag you along with me. It is a bit counterproductive for you if you read this and then find out he only writes in Spanish. So sorry about that.

I am doing this a bit rushed but I usually have such huge TBRs and I have outlines what I'm going to read from now to the end of the year and if I just keep adding to the pile it is simply undoable, I get so many things added that I can't keep up.
So let's squeeze this on in right now!

You'll find out in the next few days if this actually happens.
As I want to read it a the moment I won't even buy the physical copy of the book I'll buy the kindle version, if anyone is interested the book can be found here:

(This is in no way sponsored, I am simply trying to promote books by Mexican authors, we need to support the smaller Editorial and their authors)


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