Danse Macabre- DNFed


Author: Stephen King

Genre: NonFiction

Original Publication date: 1981

Book description(I read this only after DNFing the book): From the author of dozens of #1 New York Times bestsellers and the creator of many unforgettable movies comes a vivid, intelligent, and nostalgic journey through three decades of horror as experienced through the eyes of the most popular writer in the genre. In 1981, years before he sat down to tackle On Writing, Stephen King decided to address the topic of what makes horror horrifying and what makes terror terrifying. Here, in ten brilliantly written chapters, King delivers one colorful observation after another about the great stories, books, and films that comprise the horror genre—from Frankenstein and Dracula to The Exorcist, The Twilight Zone, and Earth vs. The Flying Saucers.


This is an interesting book, but you need to understand that a lot of references are very particular and for the most part I was unfamiliar with what it was referenced. Obviously, that makes you enjoy the read much less.

I am aware of what it is but when I first picked it up I was not aware this was a discussion of horror in different media from the last few decades.

It is interesting in a way but not for me really. I picked it up from Scribd in digital format and it felt too long. I will go back to it at some point, to finish it but for now, I will put it aside and move on to something else entirely. 

I was reading all books published by Stephen King in chronological order so I did no research in this piece. I am still going to read them so other than the publication date I do not look into any details of the books. 
So it was a bit of disappointment when I started to read and found what it contained. Initially, I began and assumed I was reading a very long prolog as he was retelling some of his childhood experiences to watch a horror film, I was invested but then the next chapter showed up and the next... I realized my mistake but I was already put off by the ebook because it ended up being not a story I was expecting.

This was clearly a mistake on my part. I will not be finishing it, I read only 4 chapters, so no rating and we will come back to it at a later date. Once I do I'll update my thoughts on it.

I am going to cheat a bit and move on to the next book in my list of his backlist. Cujo, as I am writing this I already read it and it was fantastic, so I'll "replace" the blog review of this book with that one, but I wanted to include this little note to explain why this one is not included in my reviews, I am skipping it knowing full well that will mess up my initial goal of reading all Stephen King's published work.

Funny thing:

This is not the first time I decide to read a book, for whatever reason I heard the name, it came up in my suggested books in Kindle or Scribd and I only read the title and start reading it to later discover its a book completely different from what I wanted. It has happened and it will probably continue to happen. 


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