Alli te Comeran las Turicatas

Author: Cristina Rivera Garza
Best attempt at translation: The turicatas will eat you there XD
Genre: Magical Realism, illustrated
Description (from the back of the book): She visits the land of the sun and stones, of plains and wind, bordering on the road to inspiration: the woman, in the center of the universe, maybe loneliness, moves on, gets lost looking for her origin and fate.

IT is a very hard book to describe and make up your mind about. 
The writing style is beautiful, the art in it is eye-catching, beautiful yet they can be disturbing and they open the door for plenty of thinking. 

I felt it was too short and it is the type of book you want to reread in order to continue exploring the meaning of it.

I gave it 3.5 to 4 stars, I am still unable to decide really. I think I might have missed the whole meaning of the story but so need to reread this book at a later date to see if my feelings change or get more defined.


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