The Grownup

 Author: Gillian Flynn
Pages: 64
Genre: Short Story, Mystery
First Published: June 2014
Book Description (from Good Reads): A canny young woman is struggling to survive by perpetrating various levels of mostly harmless fraud. On a rainy April morning, she is reading auras at Spiritual Palms when Susan Burke walks in. A keen observer of human behavior, our unnamed narrator immediately diagnoses beautiful, rich Susan as an unhappy woman eager to give her lovely life a drama injection. However, when the "psychic" visits the eerie Victorian home that has been the source of Susan's terror and grief, she realizes she may not have to pretend to believe in ghosts anymore. Miles, Susan's teenage stepson, doesn't help matters with his disturbing manner and grisly imagination. The three are soon locked in a chilling battle to discover where the evil truly lurks and what, if anything, can be done to escape it.

So I first picked up this book without knowing much about it, but I had seen it recommended by several people on Booktube. So I decided to pick it up in Audio format. 
#1 I was super surprised by the shortness of it. I had the idea that it was a mystery/thriller so I expected it to be at least 200 pages long. Wrong, it is a short story. 
You can literally finish it in a day, in a single sitting even. 

When the story begins with a woman who does not such respectable career choice in the eyes of society (in the majority) and then you get introduced to her background, well you kind of start to form an idea of where this is going. She is getting a raise to aura reader, she knows how to con and how to read people. She is good at what she does and feels ok with her choices.
Then she gets to know another woman who shares her anxiety, who believes in her power. The woman seems desperate and believes her house is haunted or has a darkness that is affecting her family. Our aura reader obviously decides to help out for a small fee of course. 
The son who is affected does not like the aura readers involvement.

Suddenly you get a twist, oh such beauty. All a lie, or was it?

It is very short.
IT has a very open ending, left for the readers' interpretation.
The truth it felt as if it was simply a chapter end, as if more was coming, yet by leaving the ending as it was it gave it a very powerful closing.

4.5 Stars.


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