Black Prism

Author: Brent Weeks
Series: Lightbringer #1
Pages: 629
First Published: 2010
Genre: Fantasy
Book Description (from Good Reads): Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. Yet Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live.
When Guile discovers he has a son, born in a far kingdom after the war that put him in power, he must decide how much he's willing to pay to protect a secret that could tear his world apart.

Characters: 9.0
There are plenty of people who play a big role on the whole even if we mostly follow the Prism Gavin - Dazen, Kip, Karris, and well there are plenty of people. They are all very flushed out, with their good and bad sides, full of secrets and flaws. Very realistic people, fearful yet brave, kind and humble yet brazen and violent, a whole lot of things never saints nor complete monsters, just human beings with virtues and faults.
Plot: 9.0
The world building is very well done, the magic system is very thought out, as well. The way light reflection is explained makes everything make sense except in practice when the people are drafting well that makes it a bit difficult to follow.
The start is a bit slow, it really is the setting for what's to come. Not everything is resolved, but it does give you a nice ending; if you were reading the books as it first came out you can nicely wait for the next book without driving yourself mad with expectation. A very good way to end the first book in a series.
Romance is not the main focus of the story, though love plays a huge part in the lives of several of our characters the Prism, the King, Kip, I mean everyone needs to love or care for someone right? Without the drama that comes from caring too much for/about someone be it family, loyalty, friendship or companionship there could not be stories to tell. ;)   
Logic: 8.5
The magic system makes sense for the most part but when drafting starts to take place especially when the color whites come into play the congruity kind of melts Maybe it is the way is supposed to be, whites are people who went beyond and there are fewer limitations to their abilities- yes that's one way of putting it. 
Writing Style: 9.0
The beginning was a bit slow, but the way the magic system was presented made up for the slow start. The way things are revealed, the way at first the author builds up so much for one then crashes your hero with a few swipes. It is artfully done, big rise, huge fall. Can't wait for the next.
Intrigue: 9.0 
Most of the time can't say there was intrigue but the secrets, the missions, are so slowly revealed that by the time they are the mystery has already built up. 
Enjoyment: 10.0

Total Score: 54.5
Average: 9.0


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