
Author: Stephen King 

Genre: Horror, Thriller
Original publication date: May 1987
Book Description (from Good Reads): Paul Sheldon. He's a bestselling novelist who has finally met his biggest fan. Her name is Annie Wilkes and she is more than a rabid reader - she is Paul's nurse, tending his shattered body after an automobile accident. But she is also his captor, keeping him prisoner in her isolated house.

The book was picked and it was supposed to be horror but then I was unsure if it was really going to be. IT was.
The story starts off with Paul waking up after an accident, his memory is foggy and does not really know what happened. He is not in a hospital, there is a woman taking care of him.
Soon he realizes that she is not exactly sane and her crazy is dangerous for him. 
It is a very enchanting story. 
Annie is a very perturbed person. She has anger issues, she is obsessed with the story Paul wrote and which he ended up hating. They start off shaky, then Paul starts to seem like he is getting the hang of it but he's never safe.
Annie wants the story she loves to go a different way but will not allow Paul to take the easy way out. If she can't live without her Misery then maybe Paul has a bit of power right?
Well not really!

He is tortured in a way I had not expected.  

The ending feels a bit off, not sure why but there is something.
Other than that the whole thing was very exciting, I could not put the book down, each time Paul was a bit safe something else would come up. Annie's past was an interesting discovery.

Really enjoyed it!!
But it's hard to say anything without spoiling anything!! Ah so difficult, oh well but I did enjoy it a lot.
Wholely recommend it, now what I need to do is find and watch the movie as well!


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