November Readathons

So next month is coming and we have several readathons that we want to participate as well. So we will start to pick up the books we want for them.

So this month I want to try something different it will be the first time we use the Draw TBR Game. So I have to have an idea of the prompt of the readathons I want to participate in so I can try to match them up XD

Believe in the impossible Readathon
Duration: 1- 30 November
Purpose: Children's books

The goal is to read 4 children's books in 4 weeks. If you feel adventrous you can aim to complete all ten prompts.

Read a book featuring magic.
Going Wild by Lisa McMann
Read a book featuring a myth or legend
The blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan
Read a book with real-life issues.
Someday Angeline by Lois Sachar
Read a book set in the past and Read a classic children's story
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
Read an atmospheric or spooky book
Goosebumps by R.L. Stine (not sure which one)
Read a seasonal book
The girl who speaks bear by Sophie Anderson
Read a book with an animal character and Read a book with a strong sense of friendship.
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
Reread a childhood favorite.
The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman

Duration  4- 10 November
Theme: Mythology & Retellings
* Dorothy must die by Danielle Paige
*The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

Triwizard Tournament Readathon
Task 1: 11-17 November
Task 2: 25 Nov-1 Dec
Task 3: 9-15 Dec

So we will participate only in two tasks this month.

The school you will represent is determined by your birthday.
  • Beauxbatons: January – April
  • Durmstrang: May – August
  • Hogwarts: September – December

So I will be participating in Beauxbatons. :)


A dragon will randomly be assigned to your school on Halloween. Check back here or on twitter to find out which dragon you will face!

Chinese Fireball: These dragons are rare for their ability to tolerate their own kind, read a book with a good community spirit.

The fellowship of the ring by J.R.R. Tolkein
Common Welsh Green: It is thought a Welsh Green may have started the Great Fire of London, read a historical book.
The World as we knew by Alice Hoffman
Hungarian Horntail: Horntails are some of the most dangerous dragons, read a book with a lot of action.
(not sure)
Swedish Short-Snout: These dragons are sought after to use their skin to make shields and gloves, re-read a favorite that makes you feel protected.

Someone to watch over me, by Judith McNaught


You don’t know which dragon you will be facing yet, but you can still decide the method you are going to use when you face them. Pick one or do more for extra skill points.

Conjunctivitis Curse: Temporarily blind your dragon by reading a book with eyes on the cover.

Behind her eyes, Sarah Pinborough
Bewitched Sleep: Send your dragon to sleep by reading a whole book in bed.
Speed: Race past your dragon to retrieve the egg by reading a graphic novel.
Blue Exorcist Vol 4 by Kazue Kato
Distraction: Distract your dragon by transfiguring a rock into an animal, read a book with an animal on the cover.
Bestiario by Julio Cortazar

Buzzwordathon Round 5
Creator Keyla from booksandlala
Duration 18-24 nov

Buzzword Numbers!

We will pick:

  • 11/22/63 by Stephen King
  • The lucky ones by Tiffany Reisz
  • Mr. Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore: A Novel by Robin Sloan


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