December 2020 Wrap up

 End of another month and with this we see 2020 come to a closure. Such an interesting year indeed, we can't complain about it.

As usual, I will include the statistics I love to see so much, not sure if anyone else enjoys them. For most of the books I read in the month, there is a review a few are missing as it's usual in my blog but I will be trying to catch up and publish them throughout the first two weeks of January. 

Let's dive right in:

I assume this happened to everyone but I didn't read as much as I expected. December ended up being the month I read the least. I had big plans for this month but in the end, I was distracted, other things came up or something. 

I have been using Scribd a lot lately. I try to find the books for my personal challenges there if not then I buy them. This book buying habit needs to be put in reign somehow and it's a good start. 

I had a very decent time reading this month. I haven't found 5 stars bok lately but I still enjoyed almost everything read. I think I'm getting much better at finding books I know I will enjoy. I mean that one and two stars, well those don't happen that often.

I might sound like a broken record but I like to see at the end of each month a pie of several book genres read. There are so many books out there and yet I have such a small limited time to dedicate myself to them. The fact I am able to fit a few different genres and topics makes me smile. I am not going to be very knowledgeable about tall but at least I will have an idea of a lot of different ones.

I have tried to keep track of the authors I read and be a bit more broadly about nationalities, mainly. I will have a whole list disclosing the ones read this year. Just on the spot, I would like to read next year authors from 20 different countries. I think is a doable thing. I just need to pay a bit more attention to translated works maybe and search a bit. Everything can be found online. I will try to not buy as many physical books but getting ebooks should still be possible.  

That one book I was going to read, well I didn't get around to it, so again this month is going to close with me not reading any works from Mexican, Latin, or Spanish authors.  I did intend to, but again I ran out of time. I could try to squeeze it in today, it was a fairly small book, but I am behind on other things I must complete for the closing of the month and the start of the next. I don't really have the time to get to everything on my to do list today. I will see how much I get done.

I have never considered this but does the too colorful charts and tables bother anyone? I have a pattern even if it's hard to understand for anyone other than myself. I like to use every color there is, so I go with it, each month with different shades or patterns. Again apologies if this is not as aesthetically pleasing to the eye. 

That's it for me, thank you again for the time invested here. Have a wonderful closure to 2020. I hope everyone gets a little bit of hope, new light, and positivism for the upcoming year. Stay healthy, stay safe, and if you are going to celebrate be mindful but enjoy to the fullest in the company of your loved ones.

If you are not able to get together with other people online or in-person, I recommend the same thing as for Christmas, dive right into a nice fictional world and enjoy the night with fantastical adventures. 


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