Three act tragedy

 Series: Hercule Poirot #11 

Author: Agatha Christie

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

Original publication date: 1934

Book description: At an apparently respectable dinner party, a vicar is the first to die...Thirteen guests arrived at dinner at the actor's house. It was to be a particularly unlucky evening for the mild-mannered Reverend Stephen Babbington, who choked on his cocktail, went into convulsions, and died. But when his martini glass was sent for chemical analysis, there was no trace of poison -- just as Poirot had predicted. Even more troubling for the great detective, there was absolutely no motive!


There is a dinner party with guests include Hercule Poirot; Dr. Bartholomew Strange; Lady Mary Lytton Gore, and her daughter Hermione; Captain Dacres, and his wife Cynthia; Muriel Wills; Oliver Manders; Mr. Satterthwaite; and Reverend Babbington and his wife. The old detective is not the main character for most of the story, surprisingly. 

At the party, a man suddenly drops dead. The popular belief was that it was a natural death but a single person is convinced it could be a murder. The rest of the guests, Mr. Poirot among them, reached the concession that the glass the dead man was drinking on would be sent to chemical analysis. Once they get the result, nothing was found. Everyone gives it up. The story is quickly forgotten. 

There is also a bit of a romance brewing. Cartwright fancies a young lady, but he seems to be shy or unsure of his feelings might be reciprocated. The love story adds a bit of drama. We see a bit of miscommunication. 

The story picks up once more one in a dinner party later another man drops dead very similar to the reverend. Suspicion arises. Who would want to kill both men? And why? Adding to the coincidences, many of the guests in this new diner party were also present at the first party. 

I will not go into more details, but Mr. Poirot gets involved. Not everyone is happy with the detective getting involved. But we see the detective stay on the sidelines until it is time to make the big reveal. This was a very good chase, we go from one to another clue with no idea what really happened. But it does show a nice revelation, as usual, I did not predict it. My theory was proved wrong but it was a very good way to reveal the whole thing. 

I highly recommend this one to get the thrill of who done it. It was even more enjoyable than the last few of the series as Poirot is less present and so his attitude does not show as annoying, he is more likable in this one. Or maybe it is that he is growing on me.


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