November Wrap up

 Another month is done. As usual, I did not complete my TBR list, do I ever? I am to blame really if I don't start making smaller TBR lists I am not going to be able to complete them. Moving on let's take a look at what I have read this lovely November.

I am doing very good I mean there is no rush anymore I can relax I achieved my goal for this year.

As usual, the page count per day was ok, but I still didn't finish my initial TBR. Oh well. 

The average rating for this month was 3.2. It was a very decent month, especially because I had nothing lower than a 3 star so I enjoyed everything I read this month!

I read a few books published "recently" can't complain about that. But I am missing a few more if I want to really make my reading broader. 

Regarding the authors, I also need to pay more attention to.

Thanks to the manga the author's from other than USA-UK is close to 50-50. So Overall, it looks pretty good.

The majority of the books this month were also in Eglish, 15 out of the 22 so that a very high percentage. 

Overall it was a very good month, now let's hope the next one does much better.

That is it for now, I published it a bit late but still decent timing.


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