December TBR

 The plan for the next month is not any more manageable but I will certainly try it.  

First off I have a few books I did not manage to finish in November so those are the first I would like to finish.

Here they are:

I will not really go into it too much. I do not know much about the books before I go into it. 

The 4th book in the Greatcoats by Sebastien de Castell

The second book in the Liveship Traders trilogy; this one I have to read it very soon as I have the third on the list for December, I would like to finish the series before the end of 2020. 

The nonfiction I had intended to read for this month was the 3 laws of performance by Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan to try to improve my time management and work schedule. I hope it proves to be very useful work-wise. But because I am doing this like homework assignment, it makes it hard to start it. I see it as a chore, but its time to stop procrastinating, I'll start now. 

The poetry book I have for this one as well

The last one is Different season by Stephen king this si a short story or maybe they're more like novellas. The stories here are is an attempt to be distanced from horror and are more like mystery, sci-fi. Not 100% sure, but I expect to enjoy them.

Now to the real list of what I have to read in December. As the holidays are here I expect I will not be reading every day. Especially because I will be leaving for a few days to visit family. I will have a few hours to spare on the way there and back so maybe a bit of reading will be done. I need to try to get through everything in the first 2 weeks. 
Wish me luck!

I will not be participating in many readathons that I know of so far only #AYearAThon.
Theme Read your oldest book on TBR. That is The inexplicable logic of my life by Benjamin Alire Saenz a contemporary coming of age story. 

The next two books for the Agatha Christie Challenge are the 11 and 12 of the Hercule Poirot series Three act tragedy. This one a series of murders without motive or clues are driving the police mad and Hercule Poirot steps in to help them figure it out.

In Death in the clouds - a woman is killed by a poison dart in the enclosed confines of a commercial passenger plane. From seat No.9, Hercule Poirot was ideally placed to observe his fellow air passengers. Over to his right sat a pretty young woman, clearly infatuated with the man opposite; ahead, in seat No.13, sat a Countess with a poorly-concealed cocaine habit; across the gangway in seat No.8, a detective writer was being troubled by an aggressive wasp. What Poirot did not yet realize was that behind him, in seat No.2, sat the slumped, lifeless body of a woman. 

For the Stephen King reads the next book is Christine the first vehicle horror story I have come across. But there is a beautiful car name Christine and a young man becomes obsessed with acquiring it. 

There are several series I want to continue:

The next one for the series of unfortunate events by Lemony Snicket the Vile Village- is the 7th. We follow the Baudelaire orphans having very bad luck really.

Inuyasha vol 11 and 12 by Rumiko Takahashi. We will continue with the gang in their fight against Naraku.

Hero Academia vol 19 to 21 by Kazue Kato. This is a series following Deku who is studying to become a Hero and he is pulled into the fight against a league of villains and things get complicated. He does realize fighting against evil people is more than wishing to win and have justice prevail. But they are still sudents and have normal teenage stuff to go through as well.

Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson. This is the second book in the Stormlight archive. I am not sure what to expect. Kalidan just got a huge responsibility and things are not as black as white as he wished. What will happen to him and his men now?

And in a very unexpected turn of events, I decided to read the whole 4th compendium for the Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman to finally finish the series. The last volume ended with a very good cliff hanger. What will Rick do after the attack his group suffered?

The other series I wanted to continue was Starsight by Brandon Sanderson. This is the second book in the sci-fi series about Spensa a young woman who was trying to become a pilot. She lives under the shadow of a past wrong done by her father. He was a pilot but on his last mission, he ran away and was rumored to be a coward. After his cowardice, Spensa has struggled to fit in and be accepted. Now she must face something very different. She knows the truth but now her life is not any simpler. She and her friends have a huge battle ahead.

The nonfiction of this month is a nice fluffy one. Dear reader the comfort and joy of books by Cathy Rentzenbrink. It's a moving funny and joyous exploration of how books can change the course of your life, packed with recommendations from one reader to another. I feel this will be a good mood lifter. 

One of the books I wanted to read since I bought it a few months ago was my lovely wife by Samantha Downing. This is a mystery thriller. This is about a couple who have a very peculiar pastime full of violence, kidnapping, and probably torture. 

Niebla by Miguel Unamuno. This is a story published in 1924. As its a Spanish author I assume the old Spanish I wonder if it will be hard ot get through. But its a good practice to start with this one semi-recent before moving to the really old texts. 

For the rereads I have the last two books in the 5th wave trilogy by Rick Yancey The infinite sea and the last star. We follow Cassie and his fellow friends when they escape the first encounter. The planet was under attack but the enemies were not seen. 

In total, I am placing my TBR at 34. As mentioned before I really need a lot of luck!
That's it for now. See you later. Stay safe!


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