October book haul

 When was the last time I did a haul?

It has been a while but I did say I was going to slow so I seem to finally be getting there. I  did get a few books lately, that I have not read for the most part. So lets begin. 

Home before Dark by Riley Sager
a paranormal mystery book. A young woman inherits a house where her family lived only two weeks when she was a child. Her family fled in the middle of the night and her father wrote a book about it claiming the house was haunted. She did not know her father still owned the property. The parents refuse to talk about the period they spent there. She does not believe in the paranormal and thinks her parents are lying but does not know why. After the passing of her father, she decides to go back to the house and discover the truth of what happened in the past. This was read as part of the Literally dead book club hosted by Kayla from Books and Lala.

I already read and have the Review for this book in case you want more thoughts on it, you can find it here

Next, I also got another Kindle book Contratiempo by Jorge Alberto Perez. A short story collection with nonlinear time and a type of magical realism in the stories. It is very original as all the stories have a timeline hard to grasp. But I enjoy it, I can recommend the book for people who tend to like weird or unusual themes in their stories. 

this story is only in Spanish as of now, with no translation. I had fun doing this review in English for a book that has no translation yet. It is a funny take, I used to do reviews in Spanish for books that were only in English and had no exact date to be released translated. For more of my thoughts and feelings, you can find the review here

My most anticipated buy and it's not even a book for reading purposes. I bought the replica of the book of Shadows from the show Charmed. I got the LEather bound edition from Amazon. I am very happy with my purchase. I have been reading the spells, potions, and notations with no hurry at all. I am just happy to read it and be reminded of the details from the show. I really have forgotten a lot, I have not watched it in years.  I might do a marathon of the show and follow along in the book. Not sure if I will find everything referenced but I assume so. 

Sweetest kind of poison by Katie Wismer. This is a poetry collection released by Katie a YouTuber I have been following for a while now. I wanted to support her and decided to buy her book. The physical copy was not available to be shipped to Mexico at the time and instead of waiting for it to be back in stock, I bought it right away in digital format. I still ask myself why? I have yet to read it (by now it probably is back to stock) but one of my goals this year is to explore more poetry sho I will probably get to it before the end of the year. 

The next book is to continue the series I started in August. The Greatcoats by Sebastien de Castell. Book two Knight's Shadow was also found in Kindle, they're at very reasonable prices too, check it out if you are also looking for them and have a hard time getting your hand on physical books. This continues with Falcio and his merry band of men trying to get the last mission their king gave. They have uncovered at least what chariots mean and what he really wanted. The hard part is to get it done. But they are not backing down even when everything seems to be against them. This book I have actually already read, in case you're interested in it you can find the review here
 I might still get the physical books once I have more room and they're available to buy. 

Also one of my most anticipated books for the next few months is John Grisham's The tumor. 
This follows the present-day experience of the fictional patient Paul, an otherwise healthy 35-year-old father who is diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Grisham takes readers through a detailed account of Paul’s treatment and his family’s experience that doesn’t end as we would hope. Grisham then explores an alternate future, where Paul is diagnosed with the same brain tumor at the same age, but in the year 2025, when a treatment called focused ultrasound is able to extend his life expectancy.
Focused ultrasound has the potential to treat not just brain tumors, but many other disorders, including Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, hypertension, and prostate, breast, and pancreatic cancer. It is a fictional retelling based on a very new medical treatment. 

At work we were invited to participate in a reading club, the first book we're going to be covering in November is The three laws of performance by Steve Zaffron. A book focused on coming up with ideas for management, stay on track of your plans, improve your game plan, how to handle people or situations when problems arise. At least that's what I think, if it's not, then I'll figure it out once I start it. 

And lastly, I also got two audiobooks from Audible. Might not have been the best decision as I already have the physical version of both of them

Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb
tells us the story of Athea as she is faced with harsh reality. Her family's ship the Vivacia finally wakens. But the ship is willed to her older sister and put in charge of it is the brother in law who hates her and looks down on her because she's a woman who does not know her place. She now is faced with self-imposed isolation from her family as she tries to win her ship bac, it is full of adventure, magic, talking ships, and of course we can't miss the pirates.  
I only made a small miscalculation, I wanted to have both the physical and audiobook to read along but one of them is in Spanish and the other in English. So I jumped back and forth, a few chapters were read and others were listened to. This time before changing I did have to make sure to end a chapter so I could pick up right where I left off, the translation was very good. I did not get lost so a huge win for me. I'll have to be careful next time. 

The other one is also a big book so I wanted to have both versions to be able to move back and forth, don't worry I made sure to get them in the same language. The way of kings by Brandon Sanderson.  This book is very popular, what is it ok? It is about a group of people who are at war. There are mainly two nations who hate each other, the war has started due to the assassination of the King of one of them. I think the book description gives you nothing but a very generic description of the world and just urges you to dive into it and find out what it really is. 

That is the vibe I get and I also want to reflect that feeling towards you! Just read the book if you are into fantasy. By now, it has been around a few years and it has landed in people's favorites. I have seen it so many times in people's best fantasy lists. I just need to get into it and be in the conversation.   

This was a very ample digital haul. I did not buy many physical books so we can count that as a win for me. I'm proud of myself.

Let me know if you have any book buying ban or planning at the moment. And if you have read any of the books mentioned, let me know what you thought about it.

That's it for now, see you later.

Stay safe!


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