September Wrap up 2020

Again I completely go off script and just disregard my posting schedule. I apologize for this unexplained absence (again!). I had issues finding time and energy to pick up books, which translated to having very little inspiration to post anything.

We're here to try to pull everything together and post more frequently. 

 I like to see statistics but I have no idea if this is interesting to anyone else. Let me know if you would like to see this in a different format. Should I include charts instead of tables? 

(Sidenote: I had a pretty good reading month. I have been thinking of trying to explain how I rate but its such a subjective rating that it is not exactly helpful for anyone but me. On the other hand, it could be helpful for you if you read my reviews. Would that be something you'd be interested in? )

I want to use more the services I am paying and I clearly need to work on that a bit more. Mini goal to try next month, use Scrib and Kindle.



In regards to the authors, this is what I generally pay attention to:

 I bought 3 books in total this month. I was very surprised too!


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