A Wind in the Door

Author: Madeleine L'Engle
240 pages
Genre: Children's literature
Book description:
Just before Meg Murry's little brother, Charles Wallace, falls deathly ill, he sees dragons in the vegetable garden. The dragons turn out to be Proginoskes, a cherubim composed of wings and eyes, wind and flame. It is up to Meg and Proginoskes, along with Meg's friend Calvin, to save Charles Wallace's life. To do so, they must travel deep within Charles Wallace o attempt to defeat the Echthroi- those who hate- and restore brilliant harmony and joy tot he rhythm of creation, the song of the universe.

So the second part f the story is so much better, for some reason I had not really enjoyed a wrinkle in time but not I found I liked it a lot the second part. Even Meg, a girl who I found overly annoying the first part was pleasant to follow. She is the main character and she has no idea what she's doing but manages to overcome her faults mainly and then saves everyone (reference to Mr elementary school principal and the decision she had to make during her tests). Meg's family is the perfect example of a happy family: a caring father even if he can't b close to the still loves and cares about his children, a hard working mother who manages to balance child caring and her professional life, loving brothers who are still annoying and tend to pick fights among themselves, a adoring little brother and most important of all, the diversity in character each of the Murry's children are. 

I am starting to understand why people like this series so much. The first book was a bit more difficult to get through because I felt it simply dragged too much or perhaps it simply wasn't the right time to read it. But now after the second one, I am so looking forward to reading the next one.


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