The Island

Author: Peter Watts
70 pages
Genre: short stories, Sci-fi

So what is this book about?
It's about space travel, human and machine working together and yet they are at war. The pilot is an AI, it controls the ship and helps human toward their mission and yet it does not feel fond of the humans who in return harbor similar feelings toward It.
Chimp is the AI. The AI was built to not be as smart as humans in order to stop it from developing its own Agenda like the Terminators XD Failed plan really.
Chimp does develop a plan that almost wins over the humans. Too bad t really can't compete at the same level as humans. Oh well. 

There were really interesting concepts that were presented, we have the typical long periods of sleep people take in space travel in order to extend their lives. The concept of life, the purpose of the mission that is mysterious and not explicitly discussed. 
I really wonder what the original mission was and when was it supposed to end?

The story used several words that were not exactly my everyday vocabulary, I should look them up but I won't.

The protagonist, I like in very few pages I come to respect. Fight for what you believe and if you're wrong oh well too bad move on. You have the knowledge that at least you fought bravely and risked it for what you believed was right. 

I will definitely read more from this author. If anyone is interested the website is: Peter Watts you can find a bit from his life and some of his work, short stories and books.

I believe that he can be a very good option to get more into Sci-fi. 


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