Esperanza Rising (Esperanza Renace)

Author: Pam Muñoz Ryan
Translated by Nuria Molinero
Originally published on 2000
266 pages
Details: I bought this book in Spanish for a very particular reason, nostalgia. The first time I read this it was in Spanish from my school's library so when I felt the need to buy it in order to reread it .... The decision to look for it in Spanish won, it really wasn't a competition at all.
Book description (from my P.O.V): It is a story about a girl's journey (experience) as she moves from a very privileged life in Aguascalientes Mexico to a more regular life in USA.

Disclaimer: This is the maybe 3rd time I am reading this book but I still like it so very much. So we're going to try to make a more critical opinion about it. I will definitely try but can't promise to stick to it XD

*Characters: 10.0
-The main character is Esperanza and she is a typical sheltered girl. She lives with her loving parents who are well off, having people looking after them and tending to their every need. When she is forced out of her country and into a life so very different from what she is used to.... She becomes what she looked down on. She is mostly selfish and unempathetic to everyone.
-She grows up a lot during the few months that the story takes place but it isn't a smooth road at all. 
-The families are very close to each other, they support one another and love each other even if they are not at their peak.
*Plot 9.0
-The whole story takes place in a year maybe and obviously, we are left with a lot of questions about what their lives go from there. It feels more like the beginning of the story, not like its a complete one in a certain way, the main reason the shortness of the period it portrays. 
*Logic 9.5
-It does make sense, her attitude you can't expect a girl who was raised the way she was and so sheltered to really care about others. So Esperanza's attitude does make sense.
-The issues she faces once in USA, what happens with the only family she has left close by, and how she s forced to grow up... It does make sense but not many people can react the way she does. It is more logical to rebel against it. If you keep getting bad situation coming your way most preteens go south instead of rising to the challenge and conquering it. 
*Writing Style 10.0 
-A very nice way of writing makes reading the story a breeze. 
-Emotional enough to get to you but not too much to dislike the story and it does seem very realistic.
*Intention 9.0
-The intention here is to show a part of history not openly shown in many places about the life most immigrants faced during that time the 30-40s, not only Mexicans were looked down upon the people from Asia and other places were also affected. And it was such a normal thing to live in that no one really did anything to stop it. People were already expecting that kind of treatment towards themselves and their children even if those kids were as American as any other. Of course, that topic is simply brushed over and not expanded too much but taking into consideration that the book is intended for children the topic really could be taken so explored.
-Another topic they discussed is the bad conditions people working the fields received, regardless of ethnic group the people worked for so little money, their families were living in conditions that left a lot to be desired and the difficulty women faced were simply too much. Could this be because I am seeing it all from the perspective of decades later when having most of the luxuries is a given and not from the historical point of where the story took place? Yes that does make sense, but to think it wasn't all that long ago when women could not inherit land, where women needed a men head of the family to be given jobs, where if you became a widow you're the only choice was to find another husband ASAP because the alternative was to live in poverty, when defending your rights and demanding better treatment, work conditions or monetary retribution could get you expelled from a country.... Oh my, how things have changed indeed.
-Again regarding this previous point, it is a children's book, therefore, it can't really dive too much into it but it gives a general idea.
*Enjoyment 10.0
-Totally love it!
*Intrigue 6.0
-It really is not the kind of book that has you in the edge of your seat waiting for what's going to happen.

Total points: 63.5
Average: 9.0
Star rating conversion: 5.0

This book helped me accomplish the challenges:
1. Emojiathon Freebie, read any book you want
2. Lost-A-Thon Read a childhood fave

I realized that I made a lovely TBR and then changed the books a bit and to top it all in my book "Reviews" I have not included which challenges I am trying to meet with each book. Oh well, too bad.


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