Blue Lily, Lily Blue

Author: Maggie Stiefvater
391 pages
Genre: Magical Realism, YA
Book description:
Blue Sargen has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a grou to which she can belong. The raven boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs. 
The trick with found things, is how easily they can be lost. Friends can betray. Mothers can dissapear. Visions can mislead. Certainities can unravel.

  •  Characters: 10.0
    • Friends are closer and the relationships between the soon to be couples keep growing. I love even more the raven boys than in the first two books, the family relationship Blue lives still inspire my wish to have that kind of close relation in every family. Families do not have to be always agreeing on what to do, nor always be best friends, but the trust they have in one another. 
  • Plot 8.5
    • The story starts to pick up. The raven boys start to make progress in their search, they get very close to their goal. They find people they were not searching for initially and the clues to their final discovery keep growing.
  • Writing Style 10.0
    • Can't complain about anything. It is a very easy to read book but not overly simplistic.
  • Logic 9.5
    • The story does make sense really. 
    • One point I don't understand is the secrecy and indecision one almost couple has when accepting their feeling for one another. Can't say much if I want to avoid spoilers but the couple dances around and has lovers quarrels without even really being together for the simple lack of communication. One thing it seems to be missing from these people is empathy, they do not see things from each other's P.O.V. simply because they can't sit down and talk about what they are feeling.
  • Intention and Intrigue 10.0
    • Totally going good, the story picks up right after the little side note that Dream Thieves took, this time it feels like they're almost there. 
  • Enjoyment 10.0
    • I obviously enjoyed it. I want everyone to read it, preferably soon.
    • This has nothing to do with the review of the book but I think I will reread the whole series next year as well. I just love rereading it, the friendship, the slow building romance, it is just so well done or at least it connects to me in a way that I just can't enough. 
So in conclusion total points: 68.0 and in average 9.7, therefore, it becomes a nice 5.0 Star rating. 


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