Emojiathon Challenges and my TBR

Running from: 9/1/18 - 9/30/18

GOAL: To complete as many challenges as possible before the end of the month (doubling, tripling, etc on challenges is of course allowed).


  1. Dylan: (https://bit.ly/2OhHUXW)
  2. Jay: (https://bit.ly/1kBpO36
  3. Spencer: (https://bit.ly/2smVQ9u)
  4. Brittany: (https://bit.ly/2FJiO0S)
Bingo Board (100% optional!): (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CDfEusPaT4q99lkfK8O-_r7-QlMBOR5W/view?usp=drivesdk


: Read the group book: I AM STILL ALIVE by Kate Alice Marshall
: Freebie! Read whatever you want. 

: Read LETTERS TO THE LOST by Brigid Kemmerer but I have already read this and just last month so I'm going to change this to another from the same author:
  • Thicker than Water
  • More than we can tell
  • Breathless
  • A curse so dark and lonely
a book by a favorite author THE PARTNER  by John Grishman

: Read VINYL by Sophia Elaine Hanson
: read RADIO SILENCE by Alice Oseman
: Read OUT OF BEAT by Cassandra Giovanni

: read a book with your favorite color on the cover 
SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo

: read a book you said you were going to read but never did
DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver or SHADOW AND BONE by Leigh Bardugo

: give an author a second chance 
Madeline L'Engle A WIND IN THE DOOR

: read a diverse book THE HATE YOU GIVE by Angie Thomas
: read a scary book THE MIST by Stephen King

: Read a 5 star predicted book 
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

: read a book you’ve been seeing everywhere 
 GAME OF THRONES by George RR Martin

: read a book that takes place somewhere other than where you live BLUE LILY, LILY BLUE by Maggie Stiefvater

: read a book set in Winter LET IT SNOW by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle

: read a book that reminds you of a favorite song

: Read a book that takes place outdoors THE RAVEN KING by Maggie Stiefvater

: listen to an audio book 

: read a book that takes place in college EERGENCY CONTACT by 
Mary HK Choi
  : read a thriller THE ENGLISH SPY by Daniel Silva

: Read a book about a social justice topic HATE YOU GIVE by Angie Thomas or AMERICAN STREET by Ibi Zoboi
: read something that’s less than 100 pages Cuentos en verso para niños perversos, Roald Dahl

: read a book that takes place on a boat DAUGHTER OF TEH PIRATE KING by Tricia Levenseller

: read a book in under 24 hours
  • Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle
  • Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater


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