The Partner

Author: John Grishman 

366 pages
Genre: Adult, Thriller
Book description(from GoodReads):
They watched Danilo Silva for days before they finally grabbed him. He was living alone, a quiet life on a shady street in Brazil; a simple life in a modest home, certainly not one of luxury. Certainly no evidence of the fortune they thought he had stolen. He was much thinner and his face had been altered. He spoke a different language, and spoke it very well.
But Danilo had a past with many chapters. Four years earlier he had been Patrick Lanigan, a young partner in a prominent Biloxi law firm. He had a pretty wife, a new daughter, and a bright future. Then one cold winter night Patrick was trapped in a burning car and died a horrible death. When he was buried his casket held nothing more than his ashes.
From a short distance away, Patrick watched his own burial. Then he fled. Six weeks later, a fortune was stolen from his ex-law firm's offshore account. And Patrick fled some more.
But they found him.

*Character 10.0
-The main character Patrick is a very thorough man, he plans for practically every possible outcome. He can be annoying to everyone else around him because he of stubbornness he tells no one really everything until he feels like.
-Because of greed, we get to see that people can commit many crimes, crimes that can hunt you for the rest of your life if you let them. 
*Plot 9.5
-It is full of twists and turns. 
-The planning of everything that led to the heist is so careful and is only revealed as it is considered necessary by Patrick.
*Writing Style 9.5
-Like the way the story is presented and the way you only get to find out what really happened at the same time as the case is being resolved.
-The author writes in a way that captures your attention and you just need to continue reading. It is still not annoying enough that you hate to be in the dark about what the solution is going to be. But then again I have read this story several times that it is hard to remember what I was feeling exactly the first time I read it. But for most of John Grishman's books, I feel anxious to finish because I'm anticipating how everything is going to be solved at the end. 
*Intention 10.0
-The intention is one of entertaining then it is fully achieved.
-It also shows us other little details, greed is a powerful incentive.
-People commit unbelievable crimes in order to get money and if you try to get away with their bounty they hunt you down until they wear you out XD
-Friends are sometimes forever, even if you grow apart when you really need them they have your back. 
-Love does not conquer all.
*Intrigue 10.0
-Since I picked up the book I have been really loving the thrill of the chase, the discovery, the way a lawyer can bully others in order to get away with things. 
-Even after reading it once, if you start it up, you can't give it p until you get to the great revelations. Completely recommend it to everyone. A wonderful book to start with his work. 
*Enjoyment 10.0
-Love it!
*Logic 8.5
-Can't really know if the law works exactly the way it was presented in the book but it makes sense the way it was explained by Sandy and Patrick.
-The insta love between Patrick and his new love does not make sense really. You can't simply accept someone who is on the run from the law and some other shady people. You can't really trust someone who lives by lying all the time. Ok fine you can but it can't happen in three days!!!  Mature people don't believe in falling in love in three days, it really does not happen. You can feel attracted yes, but you need to build up trust, care, way before love can be reached.

Total points: 67.5
Average: 9.64
Star rating: 5.0


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