
Length month long from 1- to 30th
Complete challenges on Bingo cards

1B. Fall Foliage  A SWIRFTLY TILTING PLANET by Madeline L'Engle
1I. Golden Leaves  A WIND IN THE DOOR by Madeline L'Engle
1N. Pumpkin Orange  AN ACCEPTABLE TIME by Madeline L'Engle
1G. Apple Red THE DREAM THIEVES by Maggie Stiefvater
1O. Brown Book  MANY WATERS by Madeline L'Engle
2B. Fave author THE PARTNER by John Grishman
2I. Great Childhood Fave ESPERANZA RENACE by Pam Muñoz Ryan or Holes by Louis Sacar
2N. Over 400 pages GAME OF THRONES by George RR Martin
2G. Retelling ROSEBLOOD, AG Howard
2O. Booktube or Blog find SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE by Morgan Matson
3B. Friend recomendation THE ENGLISH SPY by Daniel Silva
3I. Grab a LGBTQ+ book HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME by Adam Silvera
3N. Old Book SENSE AND SENSIBILITY by Jane Austen
3G. Rainy day read DIENTES DE DRAGON by Michael Crichton
3O. Buddy Read, Not even going to try
4B. Format Audio/e-book THE GREAT TRAIN ROBERY by Michael Chrichton
4I. Good Cozy read MORE THAN WE CAN TELL by Brigid Kemmerer
4N. Only starts with A-U-T-U-M-N NEVERNIGHT by Jay Kristoff
4G. Re-read THE RAVEN BOYS, Maggie Stiefvater
4O. Book in a series  MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson
5B. First Time author Brandon Sanderson WARBREAKER
5I. Graphic novel/ Manga PERSEPOLIS by Marjane Satrapi
5N. Outstanding Reviews ASTONISHING COLOR OF AFTER by Emily XR Pan
5G. Released this month
5O. Book that has a candle


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