Beneath the Sugar Sky

Author: Seanan McGuire
Pages: 174
Series: Wayward Children #3
Genre: YA Fantasy
Book Description (from Good Reads): Beneath the Sugar Sky returns to Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children. At this magical boarding school, children who have experienced fantasy adventures are reintroduced to the "real" world.
Sumi died years before her prophesied daughter Rini could be born. Rini was born anyway, and now she’s trying to bring her mother back from a world without magic.

Things to consider:

  • Characters: 9.5
    • The return of some of our favorite people in Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children and we get to meet new and interesting people. 
    • Friendships are developed and we get the feel of other worlds as well.
  • Plot: 8.5
    • This book has a lot more going on compared to the other ones, the children face an almost impossible quest and go against all kind of odds. The story does have a much faster pace. 
  • Writing Style 8.5
    • I love the way these books are so short, yet full of adventures, they are not rushed but still go by so fast.
  • Logic: 8.5
    • The different limitations and possibilities of the worlds and how they use the advantages of them in order to thrive; well it is very interesting and the way they are explained even if it very briefly does make it easier to understand and the explanations that are given do sound logical. Again this is the third time you see the differences of worlds so each time you hear something you are more likely to understand.  
  • Intention: 9.0
    • Again it is full of messages of acceptance of your own body and the main takeaway is that beauty is always on the eyes of the observer. It is such a subjective term. 
  • Enjoyment: 9.5
Total score: 53.5
Average: 8.91
Star Rating: 4.0

Used to accomplish challenges:
  • Fall into Fantasy Readathon


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