The Woman in cabin 10

Author: Ruth Ware
340 pages
First Published: June 2016
Genre: Thriller Mystery
Book Description (from Good Reads): Lo Blacklock a journalist who writes for a travel magazine, has just been given the assignment of a lifetime: a week in the luxury cruise with only a handful of cabins. The sky is clear, the water is calm, and the veneered ship selected guests jovial as the exclusive cruise ship, the Aurora, begins her voyage in the picturesque North Sea. At first, Lo's stay is nothing but pleasant. The cabins are plush, the dinner parties are sparkling and the guests are elegant. But as the week wears on frigid winds whip the deck, gray skies fall and Lo witnesses what she can only describe as a dark and terrifying nightmare: a woman being thrown overboard. The problem? All the passengers remain accounted for and so, the ship sails as if nothing has happened, despite Lo's desperate attempts to convey that something (or someone) has gone terribly wrong.

Things to consider:

  1. Characters: 7.5 
    1. Lo is a bit annoying in the story. I dislike the way she supposedly is searching it is not a very thorough plan but oh well. I am not sure she is just unlikable. She is an unreliable character, you don't know if you can trust her judgment because she doubts herself so much. She lets things slide that should not be allowed to happen just like that (a sexual harassment). 
    2. Ben and the other passengers are all presented ok and given just enough story to have them all be possible suspects. Most are not super nice or anything just regular characters to have several possibilities. 
    3. One woman is ok I guess, it portrays a woman's blind love for a man. I do not understand but it is presented as making sense because people not only women have done unsuspecting things to help or protect those they love. So even if I don't like or agree with it, I can understand. 
    4. The relationships portrayed here are not the most healthy or they are not in their best moment, really none of them are all that great not even Lo's. 
  2. Plot 8.0 
    1. There are holes in the story, it is very confusing at the beginning because of the narration, which was the exact purpose of it. So that was accomplished. The climax was not totally unexpected it is a classical mystery novel of who did it, anyone could have: but the way to get it done was interesting. 
    2. The end was satisfying enough, it was somewhat unrealistic in the way that Lo was able to get her story out and no one seems to question it, but well it was not a detective or criminal oriented story so ok. 
  3. Writing Style 7.5 
    1. The way it is written annoyed me personally and it was a bit of a struggle to get through the story. The way it is told and the decisions the main character takes, something did not click with me. It is just personal taste really, but the story is too much drama for a long portion of it, it feels like the story is very slow moving because it is simply talking to this person talking to the next and nothing being resolved for a good portion of the book. 
  4. Intrigue 8.0 
    1. The mystery is sold from the very beginning of the story but then it becomes slow moving so the sense is more of an annoyance than of expectancy to solve the mystery. 
  5. Enjoyment 8.5 The last forth of the book made up for the most part, it was still enjoyable but at some parts of the beginning it was too much drama, so be warned, also there were certain issues never resolved so the ending was still not completely satisfying. 
  6. Intention 8.0 
    1. Things we must learn from this book, yes a married man does not love you no matter what state of chaos his relationship with the wife is. 
    2. It is ok to ask for help especially from the people close to us. A couple is not going to work out if both people are not in the same page, talking is the key. Any relationship where there is no open communication is doomed to fail. 
    3. People can get it wrong sometimes, you think you know someone and in reality, they are completely different from what they appear to society. 
    4. Depression and having medication is not a bad thing. You can accept it as a normal way of life, the way people perceive you, well that is something different entirely. 
  7. Logic 7.5 
    1. There were things that made perfect sense, Lo's panic attack being triggered worse because of the initial assault. The way she feels about her medication and the necessity of them in her life is good. The way people treated Lo after they found out, it is angering but unfortunately realistic, many people have very big misconceptions about antidepressants. 
    2. The way a person can behave were mostly very realistic except in the single case of sexual harassment that was completely disregarded. Most people I would like to assume would not have taken things so lightly, it can't be brushed off like nothing. 

Overall points: 55.0
Average: 7.8
Star Rating: 4.0
Used to accomplish challenges:
Strange a thon. Thriller killer, read a thrilling book.
Ebookathon, Free choice.
Spookathon, Read a thriller.


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