The Wind in the Willow

Author: Kennet Grahame
Pages: 256
Genre: Children
First Published: October 1908
Book Description (from Good Reads): Meet little Mole, willful Ratty, Badger the perennial bachelor, and petulant Toad. Over one hundred years since their first appearance in 1908, they've become emblematic archetypes of eccentricity, folly, and friendship. And their misadventures-in gypsy caravans, stolen sports cars, and their Wild Wood-continue to capture readers' imaginations and warm their hearts long after they grow up. Begun as a series of letters from Kenneth Grahame to his son, The Wind in the Willows is a timeless tale of animal cunning and human camaraderie.

Children story that is a very good option to read to children, I just loved it as an option for my niece and yet it was not overly heart touching or extremely interesting, it was an ok story but I still have issues getting into most of the classic children stories, there is really not that much excitement. 

I will not venture to try to give it a rating, at least not in Good reads but for my own personal taste I give it a 2.5 rating XD Because I had issues with a character, Toad, and that put a huge damper on the book for me, but that was kind of the point, each character represents their eccentricity. 

Used to accomplish challenges:

  • #AtoZReadathon
  • Mythothon Demeter god of agriculture. Read a book with a nature word in the title: Leaf, Wind.


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