The Witch Doesn't Burn in this One

Author: Amanda Lovelace 

PAges: 192
Genre: Poetry
First Published: March 2018
Book Description (from Good Reads): The witch: supernaturally powerful, inscrutably independent, and now—indestructible. These moving, relatable poems encourage resilience and embolden women to take control of their own stories. Enemies try to judge, oppress, and marginalize her, but the witch doesn’t burn in this one.

I have no idea how to make a good critique of poetry because I am still very new on reading this genre and because I have no idea what should I consider. So maybe later I will come up with specific categories to consider. For the moment it will be based on only enjoyment and the theme or topic they cover.

I had previously read the poetry collection The princess saves herself on this one and it was not my favorite I gave that like a 3-star rating I believe but this collection was more to my liking. Even if the style is pretty similar; modern style poetry is not my favorite style, I ended up loving most of the poems included.

Overall the theme it covers, the passion it exudes about women's worth not being defined by men. I just found myself pretty pleased by the message it gives.

I gave this a 4.5-star rating based on enjoyment and message given. 

I have to now go buy my own copy of the book. Ebooks are great but I would like to be able to have the physical book and mark my favorite passages and just having it in your hands makes it a different reading experience.

This book was used to cover the challenges:

  • Mythothon Apollo god of prophecy, plague, and poetry. Read a collection of poetry.
  • The AtoZ Readathon


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