The One Readathon

Duration: November 17 to December 1

Twitter Account: @theonereadathon #theonereadathon 


Ashley | Don’t Have a Degree in Reading 
James | James Chatham 
Shelby | Read and Find Out 
Cass | What Cass Read 
Jocelyn | Yogi with a Book 
Chris | Chris Bookish Cauldron 
Brandy |Brandy’s Books 

Challenge Rules: - Goal: You must travel Middle Earth to get the Ring to Mordor! 
- You may double, triple, or even quadruple up on challenges 
- May be any form of fantasy (urban, traditional, high, etc.) 
- Magical realism is acceptable! 
- You may use any form of reading (audiobooks, comics, graphic novels, etc) 
- You may choose from 4 routes to get the Ring to Mordor

- Route 1: Speedy Voyager 
Challenges to complete
- Mordor | Read the conclusion to a fantasy series 
- Route 2: Tourist Special 
Challenges to complete
- The Shire | Reread a favorite fantasy book 
-Rivendell | Read a fantasy book with LGBTQIA+ rep (author/MC/POV) 
-Mordor | Read the conclusion to a fantasy series 
- Route 3: Ultimate Backpacker 
Challenges to complete
- Bree | Read a fantasy book set in a non-European influenced setting 
-Moria | Read a grimdark fantasy or a fantasy book w/ spooky elements 
-Rohan | Read a fantasy book w/ a female MC 
-Minas Tirith | Read a fantasy book 
-Mordor | Read the conclusion to a fantasy series 
- Route 4: Nomadic Traveler 
Challenges to complete
- You may pick as many (or as little) of the challenges as you want. You are charge of this route but remember…you must get the Ring to Mordor! 😊

Other Challenges:
- Fangorn Forest | Read a fantasy book with magical/supernatural creatures

- Moria | Read a grimdark fantasy book or a fantasy book w/ spooky elements. 

- Lorien | Read a fantasy book published by an indie press (Not the Big 5: Macmillan, HarperCollins, Penguin Random House, Hachette, or Simon & Schuster)

- Isengard | Read a fantasy book with a villain MC/POV (morally grey MC/POV is acceptable!)

- Helm’s Deep | Read a fantasy book that is a standalone

- Gondor | Read a fantasy book w/ POC rep (author/MC/POV)

Another interesting readathon... 

Because my current TBR for this month is overly full I will try the Route I will choose is the 4 Normadic Traveler in order to control my way there.

Challenges to accomplish:
Helm's Deep. Read a fantasy book that is a stand alone.
Warbreaker Brandon Sanderson 
and if Zoe's word can be taken seriously a standalone is also going to be counted for the Mordor Challenge: Read the conclusion of a fantasy series because it does have final. 


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