El amor huele a cafe/Love smells like coffee

Author: Nieves Garcia Bautista
Pages: 209
Genre: Contemporary
First Published: January 2001
Book description (from Good Reads): Love is like coffee, scorching, strong, pure, sweet and bitter. In order to like it you have to get used to it, sip by sip and you can only truly enjoy it after you have discovered each tiny facet of its hues. A small coffee shop and an interesting green eyed gypsy tell the story of a university student, two thirty-some-year-olds obsessed with success and a tortured retired man who still mourns the loss of his wife. They're everyday life stories of people who are in search of the happiness that slithers between frustration, broken dreams and routine. The past often hurts but something can be learned from it.

Note: This book is only found in Spanish as far as I know.

  • Characters: 7.5 
    • The characters are all flawed, they make bad decisions, they blame everything else but themselves. I dislike most of them, but find their existence relatable in some degree. You end up not liking them because they are too much like everyday people you could actually come across or be in a situation just like them. 
    • Adela, is a not so great mother, she cares little too much about her professional life and very little for her family. She is not a very nice wife, she is not a very thoughtful daughter, she is very annoying and yet I see why she takes those decisions. The biggest flaw, she hurts her kid in her attempt to have a payback from the husband she feels betrayed her. 
    • Raquel is a nice girl but she is too judgmental, as usual, you think you know what's best. She is not very smart, always blaming luck for her love stories going south, but she does really need to take better decisions. A bad example of a romantic, she over-romanticizes relationship with bad men, with men you should be able to see are not worth it and throws away good opportunities. 
    • Miguel is likable and flirty to a fault but he grows on you just like the rest of the woman in the story.
    • Adelas's father is the sweetest. No matter your age, you always doubt, especially when you can't allow yourself to move on for social or whatever other reasons.  
  • Plot: 7.0 
  • Logic: 8.0
    • The decisions most of the woman take are not the best for several reasons but the arguments they make for themselves make it believable for a little while. The life they each have, so different at so different stages of existence and with their personal issues of all types and yet they all have the same issues. LOVE! 
  • Writing Style: 8.5
  • The writing style was good. It makes the story flow even if its not overly long it captures you. But the story in itself I could not find myself really attracted to it. There is a few revelations on the story but they are not overly surprising either. 
  • Enjoyment: 8.0
  • Intrigue: 6.0
    • It was pretty regular everyday life and very predictable but that does not mean it was bad, simply a nice read. 
  • Intention: 8.5
    • We do get a lot of morale
      Not to take things for granted for example.
      Not judging others you never know what their story is.
      Work can't be the most important thing in your life. Because in the end work can end, but you should not compromise your health, your family for it. It is not worth it.

Total Score: 53.0
Average: 7.5
Star Rating: 3.0

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