Reasons to Be Pretty

Author: Neil LaBute 
Pages: 152
First Published: June 2008
Genre: Contemporary, Drama
Book Description (from Good Reads): In Reasons to Be Pretty, Greg's tight-knit social circle is thrown into turmoil when his offhand remarks about a female coworker's pretty face and his own girlfriend Steph's lack thereof get back to Steph. But that's just the beginning. Greg's best buddy, Kent, and Kent's wife, Carly, also enter into the picture, and the emotional equation becomes exponentially more complicated. As their relationships crumble, the four friends are forced to confront a sea of deceit, infidelity, and betrayed trust in their journey to answer that oh-so-American question: How much is pretty worth?

Things to consider:

  • Characters: 8.0
    • Greg is a very uninspired man. He is like many other young man and woman who lack the idea of where to go and yet just go through life waiting for something to change and not wanting to move from their comfort zone.
    • In most of the situations the characters face, they hide behind the excuse of "I didn't mean it" before actually accepting their wrongdoing or the reality of their own feelings in certain situations.
  • Logic: 8.0
  • Plot: 8.0
    • It is full of real-life situations but comedy is inserted and not always is understandable by the people living the situations or by myself but they are understandable. 
  • Intrigue: 1.0
    • IT is really not the type of story that irks you, it simply is a nice reading experience and it fills of laugh in parts. 
  • Intention: 10.0
    • Main lesson: Accept yourself and strive for success. If you do not believe in yourself, no one will.
    • Lesson two and most important: No cheating allowed. Also, do not cover up the wrongdoings of another, even if they are friends.
    • Lesson three: Long friendships do not mean real friends. It is necessary to allow yourself to let go of toxic relationships even if they feel like the only friends you have. 
    • Better to be a good person and not a good friend to awful people.
    • Accepting you are just not right together is no bad. Sometimes it's better to move on.
  • Enjoyment: 8.5
  • Writing Style: 7.5
    • It is a very casual story and the way people express themselves is like they would talk among friends and to themselves so it contains a lot of swearing. Because it is written more like a regular talk between angry people so yeah you can't expect finesse. 

Total Score: 51.0
Average: 7.2
Star Rating: 3.0

Used to accomplish challenges: 

  • Mythothon Iris goddess of the rainbow. Read a book with your favorite color on the cover or in the title. 


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