A Dance Of Cloaks

Author: David Dalgish 
Pages: 386
Series: Shadowdance #1
Genre: Fantasy
Book Description (from Good Reads): Thren Felhorn is the greatest assassin of his time. Marshalling the thieves’ guilds under his control, he declares war against the Trifect, an allegiance of wealthy and powerful nobles.
Aaron Felhorn has been groomed since birth to be Thren’s heir. Sent to kill the daughter of a priest, Aaron instead risks his own life to protect her from the wrath of his guild. In doing so, he glimpses a world beyond poison, daggers, and the iron control of his father.
Guilds twist and turn, trading allegiances for survival. The Trifect weakens, its reputation broken, its money dwindling. The players take sides as the war nears its end, and Thren puts in motion a plan to execute hundreds.
Only Aaron can stop the massacre and protect those he loves…
Assassin or protector; every choice has its consequences.

It is a fast-paced story, but we follow several characters since the beginning and because we are thrown so fast into the middle of a fight for power that it takes a while to understand what's going on. In part, it makes it super interesting that several people are plotting and you are not sure how the plans collide or if they do at all. 
It is hard to know if this was simply a -me- thing or not. Maybe it was just that it took me a while to get into it. 
I really like Aaron, his struggle of changing his whole life beliefs for a religious debate. The fact he can believe so much on something that he is willing to turn his back on his father and what he has been taught all his life. 

It is a story that once you get into, around a third or closer to the halfway of the book; you start to get interested more in the story once you like the characters. 
The story is pretty much political or turf wars. They are all fighting to control the place, the nobles, the thieves guilds, the king, everyone has their own agenda and they are all fighting everyone else planning to execute the rest. Yet all the plans in most cases were unsuccessful, the main player Thren who has been orchestrating the whole thing sees all his plans go off rails in an epic way. 

The story feels like it was a bit chaotic but the general idea of it is intriguing enough that I want to continue to read the rest of the series at least the next book. At least now that I already know the characters will be able to understand the whole thing much better and I already like Aaron, I want to know what crazy thing he's going to try next to stop his father's reign. 


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