A Work In Progress

Author: Connor Franta
Pages: 212
Genre: Poetry Autobiography, Memoir

I was disappointed right when I started reading this book. It was my fault probably, I had not heard anything or looked anything up, hell I usually don't read the book description. I was looking for a poetry collection, this title screamed at me that it was.
I had no idea that the author was a Youtuber, my bad. I might have been living under a  rock and I just started reading so I don't really identify authors so I did not who he was, no big deal I barely recognize anyone. In the first few pages, I realized my mistake. It was not an introduction with information about the author before getting to the good old poetry, it was a memoir of some kind. I decided to continue reading because well I had already started- sincerely if I had known it was more like a memoir/self help I might have never picked it up.

It is very easy to read the book, the writing is simple, its more like hear someone talk about his family more than anything else. 
 In it, he describes the life of a middle child from a very average family. I do not mean that as an insult, I mean it, in the sense that it is from a normal family, one that plenty of people can relate to, he had a very sheltered life, a good time going through school, very supportive parents, great friends and he faces a few struggles like any other teen finding out who he is.
I believe I am not the target audience, this is thought out for his fans, for people who already care about him and want to support and know more about his life in general. 
He gives the good advise most people tell you while growing up, with his own example of accepting yourself, fight for your dreams, don't think you can't aim big simply because you're young. They are good advice, he is a young person already doing something big like writing a book and his style is very conversation-like so the book flies by very easily and you have a good time reading, the point is that unfortunately, it is nothing revolutionary, the content is not mind-blowing. 
It is an accomplishment to succeed in a non-traditional career that many people disregard, but mainly this is a memoir meant for his fans to get to know him.

Be warned this is not for everyone. Do not go into it believing is meant to grant big revelations about how to lead a successful life. It is a memoir, sharing the life of a young man and the normal struggles of a teenager. It might be better if its read by teens so they can relate to someone who is having similar struggles. It is very identifiable. 

This should give me the lesson to actually read the description but to be very honest, the only time I really read the book description is when I'm posting the review after I'm done with the book. 

Anyhow this was an ok book, it was not mindblowing but as you read you enjoy knowing about the everyday struggles of a teen. 


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