January Readathons

I. January Jam Jar
Duration 1-31
Placed all the books I have had in the TBR last year in a jar and decide your ext read that way.
Pick 1 or 2 per month.

II. #Yearathon
Duration 7-13
Throwback books. Read favorite books from your childhood or one that had an impact on your teens.

III. A Book a Week with the Pingel Sisters Challenge 2019
52 challenges; goal to read 1 per week.
Plan read the book challenge corresponding to that week.

This month we have to do from 1 to 5
1. A book with more than 500 pages.
NOS4A2, Joe Hill
2. A book that you haven't read by an author you love.
The Blinding Knife, Brent Weeks
3. Goodreads Winner 2018
Then She Was Gone, Lisa Jewell
4. You Can Read in a Day
A Happy Death, Albert Camus
5. A Book About a Difficult Topic.
Girl Made of Stars, Ashley Herring Blake

IV. Calendar Of Crime 
Duration: Year long with reading challenges per month.
Pick a book that fits a monthly challenge from the choices. The rules say that you do not have to accomplish them in order. For me personally, I will choose to take them in order.

Original Publication month. The Woman in the Window, A.J. Finn original publication date January 2018.
