How to Spot a Liar

Author: Maryann Karinch and Gregory Hartley
Narrated by authors as well
Length: 2 hours, 263 pages
Genre: Nonfiction
First Published: September 2011
Book description (from Scribd): Have you ever been lied to? Of course you have, whether you knew it or not. Ever caught a spouse, business partner, parent, boss, or child brazenly lying right to your face? What if you could tell someone was lying, just by listening to them, and observing their action and behavior?
How to Spot a Liar is the first book that gives you the tools to figure out what's really going on: to gain the upper hand in salary negotiation, move a prospective client toward the outcome you desire, and find out why you need to end a business or personal relationship. Who needs How To Spot A Liar? Anyone with a cheating spouse or manipulative boss. Anyone conducting job interviews or cold-calling prospective customers. Lawyers who need to "read" witnesses or jurors. Anyone trying to survive the dating scene or faced with a string of business meetings with clients. Anyone who has teenagers at home or works on Capitol Hill. Anyone whose success and happiness depends on clear interaction with others. And anyone who wants to become just a bit more.

It is an interesting read. It gives you interesting facts about people's biological and emotional response to several stressful situations. The information provided is mainly used for getting information out from people against their will pretty much. It is a good book in the sense of information that you generally do not pick up for yourself.
The bad thing is that I find it is hard to actually put them in practice. I thought I was going to get more information on how to detect deception .... and instead, it looks its more interested in deception and manipulation, which is ok to read about but then again I would never actually put into practice at all.  
It is, though, a good book to have if you are interested in knowing about deception it carries nice little facts that you would find useful if you can remember. 


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