All My Friends Are Superheroes

Author: Andrew Kaufman 

Genre: Fiction, Humor
Published: October 1999
Book description (from Good Reads):  All Tom's friends really are superheroes.
There's the Ear, the Spooner, the Impossible Man. Tom even married a superhero, the Perfectionist. But at their wedding, the Perfectionist was hypnotized (by ex-boyfriend Hypno, of course) to believe that Tom is invisible. Nothing he does can make her see him. Six months later, she's sure that Tom has abandoned her.
So she's moving to Vancouver. She'll use her superpower to make Vancouver perfect and leave all the heartbreak in Toronto. With no idea Tom's beside her, she boards an airplane in Toronto. Tom has until the wheels touch the ground in Vancouver to convince her he's visible, or he loses her forever.


It is full of people with almost unbelievable powers. The powers people have very interesting powers that are not the norm for heroes as we know it. 
This is a character-focused story. The plot is very small, there is romance drama. I had some issues with one of the relationships from the past, it comes on as only a flashback but still I found it too disturbing, someone being told to start a sexual relationship with another person, they were persuaded with one of the abilities, not courted and I cannot see that as a real relationship if someone is forced into a relationship without consent. I had huge issues with that even if it was not overly focused on that. 

It is full of nonsense in my opinion, pretty much all the people's powers are nonsense for me. And the conflict, the woman is unable to see or hear her husband. Again this book was simply not for me. I just picked it up because in a review someone said that this was a very funny book and advised to pick it up for a nice time and a laugh. I understand that maybe the nonsense could be appealing to some and find it funny unfortunately it was not for me. 


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