John Dies at The End

Author: David Wong
Genre: Sci-Fi, Horror, Humor
Published: 2007
Book description (from Good Reads): 
STOP. You should not have touched this flyer with your bare hands. NO, don't put it down. It's too late. They're watching you. My name is David Wong. My best friend is John. Those names are fake. You might want to change yours. You may not want to know about the things you'll read on these pages, about the sauce, about Korrok, about the invasion, and the future. But it's too late. You touched the book. You're in the game. You're under the eye. The only defense is knowledge. You need to read this book, to the end. Even the part with the bratwurst. Why? You just have to trust me.
The important thing is this: The drug is called Soy Sauce and it gives users a window into another dimension. John and I never had the chance to say no. You still do. I'm sorry to have involved you in this, I really am. But as you read about these terrible events and the very dark epoch the world is about to enter as a result, it is crucial you keep one thing in mind: None of this was my fault.

Nothing to do with the actual book, I find it funny that the author chooses to use his own name as the fake name of his main character, especially considering the reasons why the character choose the name (the common last name, ect)
I will simply say this is not my thing.
I really wish not to have spent time reading it.
There were a lot of things that I fond perturbing, disgusting, too much nonsense.
1. Too much nonsense the typical guy ignored by girls, drug abuse for no reason. 
2. Disgusting body mutilation. 
3. The storyline does not make sense, it goes back and forth, people are dying, alive, coming and going. There were no clear rules for the events, be it supernatural or whatever.... It simply was like coin toss how it was structured because it feels like a chapter later whatever was said is no longer true. 
4. I could simply not get into it

Nothing I can salvage.
Again my fault, I shouldn't have picked it up, definitely not for me.
It wasn't all that long but it felt interminable because of lack of enjoyment mainly.

I will not even rate it. 

Complete waste of time, not recommend at all. The book was too much all over the place for my tastes. 


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