The Broken Eye

Author: Brent Weeks 

Genre: Fantasy
Published:  August 2014
Book Description (from Good Reads): As the old gods awaken, the Chromeria is in a race to find its lost Prism, the only man who may be able to stop catastrophe, Gavin Guile. But Gavin's enslaved on a galley, and when he finally escapes, he finds himself in less than friendly hands. Without the ability to draft which has defined him .
Meanwhile, the Color Prince's army continues its inexorable advance, having swallowed two of the seven satrapies, they now invade the Blood Forest. Andross Guile, thinking his son Gavin lost, tasks his two grandsons with stopping the advance. Kip and his psychopathic half-brother Zymun will compete for the ultimate prize: who will become the next Prism.

So this story does not pick up the pace a lot in regards of the previous, the war is not the main event here, so be warned.
There is a lot of character development, friendships blossoms, romances for several of our beloved characters (Gavin, Kip the main focus). You get more into the political intrigues of those wanting to keep the power among themselves, it is gripping. 
As soon as you start you can't put it down.
It is longer than the first book but still, it does not feel like its dragging at all, new things keep coming the way of out characters that make the wheels spin and spin out of their control.

As I did mention before, this is a book (actually this series) mainly character based. The overall situation(the war) changes very little. Be patient if you are more of a plot-driven reader in this one the development in that area is a bit slow.

Most of the time you are guessing and plotting among the characters, everyone seems to have hidden agendas, Kip, especially finds it hard to come to get his mind about what everyone is capable of doing. He does grow up and mature a lot along with his blackguards trainees but he is still thrown overboard time and time again when facing much more cynic adversaries. 

The war and such took a backseat, this whole book we see little on that front mainly we face political and internal struggles- but the next book surely will bring more action in regards to the war

The world is very small and not overly explored but it is not necessary to be overly explained, as pretty much everything is happening in very specific parts of the realm, which are explored accordingly when needed. There were the prophecies, the story of old heroes, power or abilities were further explored (the aspects of color having an effect on people's feelings and behaviors, the not previously mentioned ability certain power gave to the user, etc it was diving in deeper into the magic system; awesome).

The main focus of this particular installment is Kip, we still have huge things happening to Gavin, his life is turned upside down and he is in a huge spot but mainly we follow the growth of Kip and those around him. Some of the secondary characters like Teia and Ironfist are given bigger parts to play and we get more of their past as well. 

Bad thing the cliff hanger.... Why do they always end like that? (not always but come one; with that kind of endings it is a torture to have to wait while the next installment is acquired). 


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