2020 Reading Goals

Reading Challenge: 225
Of these, I wish to include 24 books of rereads.

*For the TBR I will use the Draw TBR Game. It might be modified but for now, I will continue using the sticks.
*Pick Readathons carefully, try to accomplish each one. Need to work in commitment. 
*Include 7 audiobooks per month.
*Read more classics, nonfiction and poetry.
*Read bigger books, over 600 pages
*Read Agatha Christie and Stephen King
*Read Mexican, Spanish and Latin authors.
*End/Continue series (list of series to get to this year will be included later, I need to feel accountable to actually get to them)
*Read books from Kindle, I have been accumulating a lot of them but never get to them.
*Finish books:
-Brother's Grimm Complete Fairy Tales
-Edgar Allan Poe complete works
-Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft 
-The complete novels of Jane Austen


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