January book haul.

Remember when I said at the beginning of the month that I will change my habits, among those changes the book-buying also was supposed to go through some changes.

So here is the list of my self-restraint. 

  • Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defoe. This classic is not the most pretty edition but I am trying to gather classics. It is the story of a man who is stranded on a desert island.
  • Yo, Robot, Isaac Asimov another classic SciFi book about a detective who is prejudiced against AI in a time where AI are abundant. 
  • The inheritance trilogy, N.K. Jemisin a fantasy trilogy in a single book compilation. This is a fantasy story about people living in an Earth that is plagued by natural disasters typically earthquakes. Yes a very bad description. I don't really read descriptions, I generally go into the reads with vague ideas, as you can clearly tell by now.
  • Armando Hoyos, Eugenio Derbez, this is a nonsensical book meant to make you laugh. I have no idea what it is- I bought it because it has Eugenio Derbez so it will be some nonsense surely. 
  • Everybody sees the ants, A.S. King. This is a contemporary story with a bit of a speculative element. I have seriously no idea what it is about, I just have heard Keyla from Books and Lala mention this author so I picked this book to start off. 
  • I am legend, Richard Matherson sci-fi classic with the story of Neville as the sole survivor of a disease that makes people turn into monsters. I am very excited to read this finally. 
  • Saga Compendium One, Brian K. Vaughan. This is a sci-fi graphic novel about two soldiers from opposite sides falling for each other. 
  • Red seas under red skies, Scott Lynch. This is part 2 of the series Gentleman bastards. No idea what takes place here but I really enjoyed the first installment, therefore, I want to continue with it before too long. 
  • The last star, Rick Yancey This is the last part of the 5th wave which I am not sure if I even read it before or not. But I would have to reread the first two in order to jump into this one so, we'll see what we decide. 
  • Arcanum Unbound, Brandon Sanderson. This is a collection of the short stories of the worlds in the cosmere universe. I am really looking forward to reading it. 
  • Elantris, Brandon Sanderson. This is the first book I am going to read in the Cosmeralong so I had to buy it of course. 
  • Also I bought 16 books from Kindle.
So I had the intention of buying 3 books per month.
That was clearly not kept XD

I just made an estimate calculation of the books bought this month. I spent $2,808.70 Oh my!!
That is a lot, I pay less for monthly rent at my apartment! 
I mean there have been times I buy more books, but oh well this keeping track of the amount spent in books it scary and an eye-opener. 

I do not like the result of this.


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