#AYearAThon January 2020 Wrap up

So this weekend I did not read much. Being perfectly honest I did not read at all.
Family time took most of my weekend.
I finally finished unpacking, because in the end, I am not going to be moving again in the next 2 or 3 months, well it was about time to finish with most of the unpacking. 
We still have plenty of thing packed due to lack of space but we managed to move through and I finally got all the books out of their boxes!

Moving on, I reached the end of the reading challenge for #AYearAThon.
I had to pick covers with green covers.

So I had initially picked 3 books and I only managed to read only two, the shortest. A giant Problem by Tony Diterlizzi and Holly Black and also a manga Blue exorcist vol 8 by Kazu Kato.

They were both very quick reads, a continuation of series I started last year and want to end in the first few months of this one. 

They have a bit of green and also are based on friendships and trying to save the world from things the normal population doesn't even know it exists. 

I did not think of that before placing them on the list.

A Giant problem is a middle grade, Nick and Laurie, a new pair of stepsiblings who discover fairies are real and then they have the big discovery that there are giants waking up and they will probably cause mayhem.  They have to stop it!
Their older brother gets the sight as well and decides to help them. 
It was a very fun little read.

I enjoyed my time with my middle-grade book and then jumped right into the next one, it has a very little emerald green but it had green enough that I count it.

So Blue exorcist vol 8 by Kazue Kato. It is getting interesting, secrets are being revealed, the fights and the stakes are higher. This is definitely a YA older spectrum, there is a lot of injuries, backstabbing, dark secrets revealed. 
I am getting into the story but I am scared, I am about to get to the end of the books I have so far. So now I have to try to get the next 10 but not sure when that is going to be.

So the last book since you've been gone by Morgan Matson.
This one was the one that had more green but I only read 38 pages then life got in the way and I didn't really get started so never finished. 
I will finish this book tonight and try to finish the first reread of the month as well. I am way behind already. Its too close to the end of the month and I still have to read 8 books.


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