Draw TBR January 2020

So let's begin once more by taking a look at how we did last month.

We had 7 draws and yet I only completed 5.
I did not complete The Hobbit nor the Angel's game

So once more I did not manage to do it. I need to work on this so much more!!

Let's roll now.

How many draws for this month: 5

1. 5 Star prediction
The island (La isla), Asa Avdic.
This is a mystery/thriller. A group of 7 goes to an island to compete for a job position, something happens and they are trapped, we do get in the book description that there will be a live assassination. 
Too vague but that's the best for mysteries.

2. Retelling
Pride and prejudice and mistletoe, Melissa de la Cruz
This is a gender-swapping Pride and prejudice retelling, that sounds amazing and fun.

3. Adult fantasy
The blade itself, Joe Abercrombie. Once more I will attempt to read it this month, I better do it this time.

4. Latin American author
Isabel Allende, The infinite plan (el plan infinito).
No idea what it is about but Isabel Allende so I'll try it.

5. Small read.
Emilio y el viaje sin tesoro (Eilio's journey without a treasure), CArmen LeƱero. This is about Emilio and he built a ship but there are not new places to explore, no more treasures to find and probably all the abandoned ships have been already found, but oh well he still needs to start a journey.


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